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Thursday, August 25, 2016
Royals Private Hospital
28 weeks...

Six days after Wren—Sam and Mitch's baby girl—had arrived, Lexi went downstairs to meet Trey, looking as pale as a ghost. He'd woken up before her and left to make breakfast, only to find her rushing down the stairs.

"What's wrong Lexi?"

"Trey, I can't feel the babies moving and I'm in pain," she'd said without preamble. Without another word, Trey had scooped her up and taken her to his car and driven straight to the hospital.

Lexi's doctor, Roberta Morris, had met them there, and after checking on the babies—whose oxygen supply kept dwindling, their heartbeats slowing—Roberta had declared that the babies had to be taken out.

Trey had helped Lexi change into a hospital gown, all the while reminding her that she wouldn't be alone. Then she had then been anesthetized and wheeled off to the operation theater, so that while the medicine took effect, the rest of them could put on their scrubs.

Trey hurriedly put his scrubs on, then took out his phone to call his sister, telling her about what was happening and giving her instructions to pack them a bag with clothes and necessities for the babies and Lexi.

He called his mom as well to tell her the babies were almost here, and she told him she was getting on the next flight and would see him in a couple of hours. Then he called his best friend—who was two hours away closing a deal but assured him he would get there as soon as possible next.

He put his phone in the pocket of his slacks and washed his hands, hurrying through the doors of the theater to get to Alexandra. Except the one who greeted him wasn't Lexi—not entirely. "Hey," she called in a slurred voice. "What do you want?"

He'd stopped, looking at her like she'd grown a second head. "What is wrong with you? Did you bump your head or something?" he asked, walking over to her side. Was this some sort of joke?

She nodded, eyes droopy. "I mean no. I'm perfectly fine." Then she pushed his hand away, casting her gaze up at the ceiling. Then she sighed wistfully. "I wish I had a baby."

Trey blinked at the randomness of her statement. "You're about to have two babies, Lexi. Do you know that?" What was going on?

He didn't know what he'd expected, but her eyes widening in surprise wasn't one of those. "I am?" He nodded, pointing to her bump. She lifted off the bed a little and looked down at it in wonder, breathing, "Wow," then she cupped it softly, like she couldn't wrap her head around it.

Trey pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling utterly lost. Had he missed anything? He'd left her for only a short while, and she'd been fine before, so he wondered what was going on. He looked up when the door opened, glad when Roberta came through covered in scrubs.

He stood, brows furrowed as he asked, "What's going on here?"

Roberta's steps slowed. "What are you talking about?"

He pointed at Alexandra who was counting whatever it was she was seeing in the ceiling and giggling to herself. "She's delusional. What did you do to her?"

Roberta let out a sigh, smiling a little. "The anesthesia has set in, but don't worry. After it wears off, she'll have full control of her body and mind."

Trey screwed his eyes shut and exhaled harshly, glad to hear it was nothing serious. "Couldn't you have warned me of the effects beforehand?"

Roberta shrugged. "You seemed to have read more on the pregnancy business than your wife. Naturally, I assumed you already knew."

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