Chapter Seven

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Hey all, a day early with the update but I thought... why not? Also I thought it was a Friday 😂 Anywho enjoy!

The rest of the week seemed to fly by pretty quickly. I tried to keep my head down and just get on with the work set for me by the teachers, but Jake had made it increasingly difficult to do so. He had been slipping his number to me every chance he got, and always found new and weird ways to do it.

At first it was just simple things, like slipping it through the slates of my locker or purposefully bumping into me in the hallways so he could sneakily put the note in my coat pocket. After me refusing to keep the notes every time I found one he started to find more and more creative ways to try and accomplish his goal. If I was being honest I don't think this was about him giving me his number anymore, but more about the challenge that it gave him.

I had learnt fairly quickly that Jake was one of the five it guys that attended this school. They were all on the school's lacrosse team which, if the trophies they'd won was anything to go by, was fairly good. He was also a bit of a ladies man, apparently trying to win the attention of the new girl was fairly common behaviour for him, which made me all the more happy that I had initially and continuously rejected his advances. The last thing I needed was some form of distraction or a slip up only a few months before graduation.

For the most part I had managed to keep my head down and away from the schools rumour mill. Sure there were the odd ones going around about my weird anti-social behaviour or the fact that I never took my coat off, even during the hotter days of the week, but it was nothing I hadn't heard before. If anything the things this school came up with were bordering on the cliche, they could have at least shown a bit of originality in their reasoning behind my weird behaviour.

I had also learnt a few more things about Jake, thanks to the majority of the student body being completely obsessed with him and his friends. He was an only child with a single mother who worked long hours at the local hospital as a general surgeon. She was hell bent on getting him a solid education and making something of his life and so pushes him to take AP classes wherever he can, hence why he was in some of my lessons. He didn't struggle though, if anything he excelled in his lessons, with the odd subject a little weaker than the other, but nothing some solid revision and studying wouldn't fix.

Apparently he was also the nicer one of the group of friends he hung out with, the other four which made up his group would mostly laugh at other students' misfortunes when someone would drop a stack of papers or get locked out of their locker. Not Jake though, which earned him a little respect in my eyes, as much as I hated to admit it. Don't get me wrong, he wouldn't go out of his way to help any of their struggling students, but he wouldn't mock them either, which is better... I guess.

The most surprising thing I'd learnt about him though was his love for photography. Now this wasn't common knowledge amongst the school, apparently Jake likes to keep his passion under lock and key, but I'd overheard one of the art teachers talking about him with another teacher in the staff room in between classes. Apparently he was fairly good at it too, so I wasn't sure why he was keeping his talents hidden from the rest of his friends.

"Hey White, wait up," speak of the devil.

Of course I didn't wait up, I never did, but it didn't stop him from catching up with me and falling into step with me as we both made it to our last class of the day and possibly my favourite, psychology.

"I haven't had the pleasure of receiving an unwanted sticky note so far today... you seem to be slipping," I smirked, keeping my eyes out in front of me so I didn't get trampled in the sea of bodies all battling their way through each other to get to their next class on time.

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