Chapter 1 - Too Close to the Sun

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15:10, Kuiper Testing Rig

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "All units, heads up, eyes open. We're entering the AO."

Monarch watches targets appear on his IFF on and around the testing rig. Two gunboats are on patrol near them.

<<Icarus Armories Security>> "Bogeys incoming. Two flights."

<<Icarus ATC>> "Copy that. All units scramble to intercept."

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "There goes the element of surprise. Hit them hard before they can get interceptors airborne. Weapons free."

Prez runs final checks while Monarch pushes into a dive and heads for the rig.

<<Hitman 1 WSO "President">> "Weapons working good."

She looks over the seat at Monarch, who nods.

Warning tones sound as Monarch fires missiles at the SAM batteries on the rig.

<<Hitman 1 WSO "President">> "They've got us locked. Careful."

The warning tones cut out as the SAMs are destroyed. Jump jets start taking off one by one.

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Gunsel, hurry and smash that rig up. Hitman, take out the hostiles."

<<Hitman 2 "Diplomat">> "Copy you clear. Engaging."

Hitman Team begins engaging the security forces' jets. The three make quick work of them.

Gunsel and Hitman continue smashing up the rig's air defenses.

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Ronin, they're just about done. Get ready to head in once it's all clear."

<<Kelleher>> "Copy that."

The two teams mop up what's left within a few minutes.

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Alright, cowboys. We're in the clear. Make your way-"

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Hold on."

<<Kelleher>> "What is it?"

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "ALCON, new target. Big energy readings. Engage."

A second later, a prototype jet comes shooting out from somewhere on the rig. It gains elevation rapidly, soaring past Hitman Team glowing blue out the back instead of an afterburner flame.

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "He's fast! After him!"

Monarch gives chase, as does the rest of Hitman.

<<Hitman 3 "Comic">> "Well, that's the problem! He's so damn fast I can't get close!"

Monarch meanwhile keeps pace with it.

<<Gunsel 1>> "There he goes."

<<Gunsel 3>> "Uh-huh. Grab your popcorn."

The pilot of the unidentified fighter laughs.

<<???>> "Well, what's this now."

<<Hitman 2 "Diplomat">> "Wait a minute, that voice rings a bell."

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Tail codes... damn. Thought he was dead." 

<<???>> "So did everyone else. Hell, even One."

<<Gunsel 2>> "Who is this guy?"

<<Hitman 1 "Monarch">> "Crimson four."

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Woah."

Seems Galaxy is less surprised by Crimson 4, more so by Monarch speaking.

<<Crimson 4>> "So the Crown speaks."

<<Crimson 4>> "Well, let's see how you do against a next-gen prototype."

The chase is on in full swing.

Monarch and Crimson 4 pursue each other in turn. Hitman 2 and 3 try to get in and support.

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Dip, Mick, wave off. Two less things for Monarch to worry about."

<<Hitman 3 "Comic">> "Copy."

The two pull away and stand by. Monarch and Four keep dogfighting.

The two go back and forth for several minutes, neither faltering.

Until Monarch pulls a tight turn and sprays Crimson 4 with guns. He hits something, because the prototype jet loses some of it's maneuverability.

After that, it doesn't take much for Monarch to coast right in and put two missiles in his engines.

Crimson 4 falls towards the sea, entering a tailspin. Explosions go off inside his plane on the way down.

<<Crimson 4>> "Damn it. Still not enough to take you do-"

He's cut short as the radio turns to static. His plane has hit the water.

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Prototype down. Ronin, you're in the clear."

Ronin's helicopter begins moving towards the rig.

<<Kelleher>> "Hey, Galaxy. That plane Monarch shot down isn't sinking."

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Huh, look at that. Floating right on top of the water. It's still got elevated energy readings."

<<AWACS "Galaxy">> "Shit, that's not good. Readings just spiked. Turn tail and get out!"

As Sicario's forces try to turn tail, a flash of blue light envelopes them all.

Monarch's ears ring. Once it stops, Prez is pounding on his seat.

"Monarch! Monarch! What happened?"

Monarch quickly looks around. Nothing but waves go to the horizon in every direction.

[Alright, first chapter done. Feel free to leave feedback in the comments, I'll read it at some point. Until next time.]

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