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It's no surprise really that the doorbell rang shortly after Seungkwan had finished. I of course didn't hear it but the others were fast to let me know.
If I hadn't forgotten about anyone we were still waiting for Seungkwan's soon-to-be boyfriend as well as Jisoo and his boyfriend.

I've never noticed up till now that all my friends are queer. Coincidence? I think the hell not.
It's the queer radar! Queers subconsciously attract and find each other! Proof me wrong. I dare you!

While I've been busy thinking about queers, Soonyoung went to fetch whomever from the door. I'm not even surprised at this point that it's him getting up and greeting the guests instead of Jihoon, the one who is supposed to be the host.

It doesn't take long for Soonyoung to return. With him two familiar looking guys enter the room. One of them was definitely Jisoo. Or Joshua or whatever he likes to be called I suppose. It's hard to forget a face like his. He became handsomer though. Not fair.
It was the sight of the other one that left me puzzled.

"Hansol? Is this you?"
He was probably just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. At least he looked like a deer in headlights.

"You guys know each other? AND YOU NEVER TOLD MEEEE??"
Of course this encounter couldn't happen without the queen of tea herself. Seungkwan had left his place on the couch and was now standing in front of Hansol, my coworker.
"Baby, why would I tell you about Jeonghan? I don't really know him that well and I didn't think you would know him either."

B3:HOOOOOOOOOOOLD ON. THERE WAS A BABY. RIGHT THERE. I SAW THAT. I SAW WHAT YOU JUST CALLED HIM. BUT I THOUGHT... I THOUGHT... I thought Kwannie's boyfriend is this Vernon guy?? I am sooo confused!! I AM CRYING!!!
B2 to B1: Should I tell them or do you want to do it?
B1 to B2: The question is: Should we tell them?
B2 to B1: Uhhhhhh... I like the way you're thinking.
B3 to B1 & B2: Tell me what???
B1 & B2: Nothing.
B3: Mpf... I don't believe a word you say.

"OF COURSE I KNOW HIM. I TOLD YOU ABOUT HIM LIKE A MILLION TIMES!!! Also, could you please use sign language as well? You're being impolite."

God bless Seungkwan for this last sentence.

"Now YOU hold on for a second. Are you telling me this guy over there, my coworker, is the SAME Jeonghan as your childhood friend Jeonghan?"
His signs are so smooth. Jihoon really made everyone learn sign language. Even the boyfriends. I can't believe it. This guy...

"Well, I don't know whether he's your coworker or not, but he's definitely my friend!!"

B2 to no one in particular: Queen of the Tea and member of the sass club...
B1 to the brain in general: I think it's our time to say something.
Brain to B1: Roger that.

"You can go back to discussing in second. I just have a quick question."
Both of them looked at me in expectation. Well technically the whole room did but I chose to ignore the others. They weren't important in the moment.
"Do you by any chance use another name, Hansol? Vernon perhaps? Are you two dating? I am so confused right now! My brain has all these informations but can't put them together. I'm lost..."

B1 to brain: That's not what I meant by say something...
B3 to B1: But it's what I meant hehe
B1 into the nothingness: B2, where are you at? Help me!!
B2 to B1: I'm here, I'm here! What happened?
B1 to B2: B3. That's what happened.
B2 to B1: I see.. Welp, it was nice to see you but I got to go.
B1 to B2: Don't you dare!! GET BACK HERE!!
B2 to B1: I can't. I'm sorry. I forgot to water my pirate flag.
B1 into the nothingness: Ughhh this kid...

I was still waiting for a reply but both of them just stared at me blank faced. Well, I guess I made them speechless. Boo Seungkwan speechless. I should be proud of me. That's an once in a lifetime experience.
No matter how unique this situation was however, it didn't really help with answering my burning questions. I really needed to know what was going on. And the only logical explanation for Hansol calling Kwannie Baby would be for him to be his boyfriend. But therefore he had to be Vernon for Vernon was Seungkwan's boyfriend. Well soon-to-be boyfriend. Same thing. AHHHHH. THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR MY POOR BRAIN TO HANDLE!! I. NEED. ANSWERS!!
I was about to ask again when I felt someone beside me.

To my surprise it was no other than Minghao.
"Let me help clear things up. Jeonghan, this is Hansol Vernon Chwe. He is currently dating Seungkwan over there, but they aren't official yet. He was born in the US and uses his american name a lot recently. He is almost exactly a month younger than Seungkwan. Vernon, this is Yoon Jeonghan, our childhood friend who lost his hearing and lived with his aunt ever since. Jeonghan is about the same age as Joshua. Now, shake hands to greet each other properly!"

We did as told.
"If you really are my coworker..."
Vernon trailed off.
"Then... Earlier today... When I called for you..."
I grimaced. Thanks for bringing that memory back. I called you but you didn't seem to hear me.
"Yeah... uh... I couldn't hear you. Obviously..."
I chuckled. This situation was... awkward to say the least.
"I... I'm sorry. I didn't know you were deaf..."
"No no! It's not your fault! Don't apologise. I never told anyone at work. Not even our boss knows. I try to stay low with the whole being deaf thing."
"Still, I'm sorry."
"But there's no reason for you to be sorry!"

"GUYS!! Can you stop it already?? We get it!! Now, Jeonghan, would you like to greet Joshua at all or are you just going to ignore him all day?"
Seungkwan had pushed his way into Vernon's and mine conversation. Literally. He just stood in our middle and made it impossible for me to read the other's signs any longer.

I had been so immersed in the whole Hansol-Vernon-thingy that I admittedly had completely forgotten about Jisoo. He was still standing in the same place as before. Though now his baffled impression was exchanged with a gentle smile.

"Hi Jeonghan Hyung. You're back? It's been a while..."
"JISOO!! My partner in crime, my friend, my light, my world!!"
And with this I rushed into his arms. Oh boy, it's been too long!

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