Being Back Alive - Monday; New Day 4/4

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PLOT: Her eyes had summoned the enrage from having  witnessed a hate time she dreaded not to see again.
Least to no good occupations, she couldn't fixate on anything other than that and chose to mindly scramble the video play of what police wanted to know.

You seen the sudden change in her stance and behaviour before anyone else did. What you had to do was excuse both, yourself and her from the room before heat came crashing down in a shaping form of condemnation. Shimmy in your steps to reach her, you turn to the busy men in blues and try to obscure a calmness to keep as their moods saying....

Y/n: "Take all the time you need, fellas. I don't think my wife would wanna visual that moment all over again! But this *pointing your finger at the screens* is part of the recordings. We don't know why it does that? But just think it's a glitch in the system that statics every once in a while for a minute or so." Then you give Samara her useful escort away from glaring hard at the surveillances, and took her to the bedroom.

Her body allowed you to do that as she couldn't frain against your gym jock strength.

Getting her aclear, her human colour in the eyes are replaced normal again and her attention falls upon to your face that's giving her a questionitive look; with the words of an exact question....

Y/n: "Why'd you do that? You could've been known by doing that, Babes!"
However, she was clueless by what had gone on since Sadako was pushing her way through from a severed anger that was triggered by the tape's effect being pixilated like she is as the Ring girl, giving you a 'what' expression before speaking out at you....

Samara: "What did I do? All I remember is clinging behind your back, to that room then that was it!.."
You feel bad that it may've came across aggressive like you were telling her off, but if she didn't know.. it meant, your words were not necessarily needed if she wasn't the one doing a crime's preventional flee move and that now... you apologised for it. She was immediate to accept but had questions to her own self???

Although she wanted to get what went on...only she could understand it. You wouldn't. Not the whole deal of just how she works two separate sides in a single body, like she must do!??


The policeman entered the bedroom with a look of unsure and being stuck in a spot on his face.

Y/n turned square to ask "Find what you needed??"

But his answer was not any good news....
"We....don't quite get what's happening really, so what we're going to do is take the tape with us. Pre-record with certifier quality and I'll call you back tomorrow morning when I morally may find something that helps us and your wife send the Chief down, but until then... He's not being locked up permanently 'til we get better assured evidence."

Hearing what they said, Samara didn't feel like the way she was before then.. her whole inside was boiling up and didn't catch you or the policeman talking to her on why she turned stone age with a heat that all the breaths were not like-normal.
She shoves through to run for the bathroom and closes it to have the time she needed to get ahold on what's trying to make a return - Sadako - soaring with a range of hateful vengeance for what happened to her...puppet host that she possessed with a close eye to detailing tragical accident as her own which sealed both fates and swore to use Ms Morgan's body to continue the legacy Sadako started off.

Sadako's words holler loudly through her ears as stared evilly into her penetrative gaze in the mirrors rebounder. Samara must retain as the self for millions of reasons... that this can't go wrong;

Sadako: "What is your game, Samara? Think about it; we can put an end to that deluded, horrible son of a bitch cop! You heard them as well as I...? -- He will not be facing what he should get for doing that to you!"
The thought against what Sadako said was not valid for her. She had a large amount of an applied lead on her point that something had to be done!.. Something...that is fair and secrete.
"You may think we should...kill him... but if we are caught, it is screwed for us, and we'll be connected someway to his death and then we're all gonna be in for murder - including y/n.. and I don't want that!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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