The Drat Trap

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Now this part was hard for me, Scratte doesn't speak or even sing and I had to find a different way to put the song 'Let Me Be Good To You' into the story.

It was night when Judy and Wilde arrived at the waterfront. Blazey was sitting on the pier, looking down below as Judy whispered to the dragon softly.

"Stay here, Blazey" she said softly. "If we need you, I'll whistle."

Judy placed on a disguise that made her look like Dastardly, only with long, curly hair and without his long coat. She had a latex mask to resemble Dastardly and stilts to make her six feet tall. She looked more like Hook than Dastardly.

"Testing, testing" Judy spoke into a microphone that made her sound like Dastardly. "Perfect."

The disguised Judy approached the front door of a pub called the Drat Trap. Then, Judy heard Wilde's voice.

"Um, Carrots?"

Judy pulled out a mirror to see if her 'hair' was a mess.

"Come on, Wilde" she called out.

"No!" hissed the fox from behind the pier. "I feel stupid."

"Don't be silly. You look perfect."

Wilde stepped out in a ill-treated pirate disguise. He was wearing a teal-green cap, a gold earring and a red stripped shirt that was too big for him.

"Perfect?!" Wilde snapped. "I feel perfectly stupid, Carrots!"

Judy shushed him and leaned close to him.

"Now, when we go in, don't call me Carrots or Judy, call me Dick" she instructed.

"Dick as in Richard?" Wilde asked.

Judy rolled her eyes, ignoring Wilde's dumb statement. "Yes, Dick as in Richard."

The two entered the pub, it was certainly is a seedy pub, where clearly every lowlife in London had gathered.

The patrons were smoking, playing poker, and drinking at the bar. Some were passed out from the amount of alcohol they've drunk.

On the stage, a dumb-looking sea lion named Gerald was juggling beach pails and hopping on his hind flippers while Huckleberry Hound played the piano.

Bellwether, a barmaid was tickling a patron under his chin, but when he puckered his lips for a kiss, she slapped him with her hoof and he fells to the ground.

Though nervous, Judy straightened her Dastardly mask and turned to Wilde.

"Wilde, stay close and act like a thug like me" she whispered.

The fox nodded and followed the phony 'Dastardly' into the pub.

The bartender, who went by the name Stonekeeper was cleaning a mug and saw Dastardly and Wilde as they approached.

"Ah, Dick Dastardly" smiled the bartender. "Back from the Mean Machine at last."

With a sly grin, 'Dastardly' signaled Stonekeeper for service as he walked to a table. Wilde copied her movements, though his seemed more exaggerated.

The bar patrons eyed them suspiciously.

"What's everyone staring at, then?!" bellowed Judy in Dastardly's voice. "Anyone who sees me with an unkind eye walks away with my hook plunged in you and my loyal minion, Muttley biting your sorry behinds!"

The patrons turned away, almost afraid.

"Yes, that's right. Do me a favor and go back to your pathetic businesses, the lot of you!"

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