Sometimes it's a little hard to figure out what is going on in our minds or sometimes with if anything is going on in our minds or anything good is going on in life at all. It can be a real struggle at times to see if you're going to survive a day. But sometimes you have to think positive and say positive and fight to do it even though it might be hard it's tough it can be a royal b to do so. Just say this
I know the stars are out even in the daytime and even when it's cloudy out the stars are out all the time I just have to know that for a fact. If I know that the stars are out all the time or I ask myself the question or the stars out I will be fine
prayers to the Big Dipper ✔️
Spiritual64 different modern shamanic/ Wicca/ and pagan star and moon worship prayers and quote from yours truly. This is the book that talks about how life should be is precious and we should be able to enjoy life as it is. This is just a prayer book fo...