Chapter 21...I have to help my lover

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Tyler's P.O.V
Adam told me that Seto and Tayanne were coming round later to tell us somthing important, ¨I wonder what they want to tell us¨ Jason asked me as he hangs up some of his jeans ¨I don't know, I am trying to imagine what it could be¨ I say standing up to help him ¨probably something magic related¨ Jason suggests. I take a couple pairs of the jeans and put them in the wardrobe, ¨maybe, we are just going to have to wait and see¨ I say pokeing his nose gently ¨come on Tyler, I want to go into town¨ Jason says pulling on my hand, I smile and let him pull me out of the door, not before grabbing my wallet. Jason locks the door and pulls me down the stairs, we end up running straight into Adam and Ty ¨oh sorry guys¨ I shout over my shoulder to them, Adam waves his hand as if to say that it was okay. We arrive at the minecart stations, I sit in the cart with Jason and watch as the light fades away as we hide under the ground. After a while we make it to our stop, we get out of the cart carefully and look around ¨what did you need to get Jason?¨ I ask him ¨I wanted to get a present for Tayanne from the two of us to cheer her up, same for Seto. They are both really down about the curse¨ Jason explains but whispering the last word, I smile. Jason is always doing nice things like that for people. I hold out my hand for him to hold, he takes it and we begin to walk around the market. We come across a market trader, she was selling magic things, like balls of crystal, wands, cloaks and all things like that. Me and Jason read the cursive writing on the description cards, one of them caught my eye. It was infront of a amulet, the amulet was orange and purple and it had some symbols on it. The charm hung from a silver snake chain, I pick up the description card and read ¨Calmaska amulet, protects the wearer from curses and dark magic. $5.09¨ I read from the card, I point it out to Jason, he smiles ¨do you think that it could help Tayanne?¨ he asks. I nod and pick up the description card. We continue to look, Jason had gone around the side a little bit, after a minuet he came running back round and was pulling on my arm for me to follow him. ¨look at this¨ he squealed as he pointed at an object, I look at what he was pointing at. It was a pin, as in a pin for a cloak. It was silver with purple amythests studded in the head of the pin, I look at the description card ¨Controlist cloak pin, controles users emotions and guides them through their tasks $6.46¨ I read aloud to Jason ¨you think he would like this¨ he asked ¨I think he will, come on lets get them¨ I say picking up the card and walking back around the front, the lady stood there smiled as I hand her the cards. She walked around the side to get the cloak pin and back round the front to get the amulet, she carefully placed them into a paper bag along with the description cards and twisted the ends of the bag. I take my wallet out of my pocket and take out the right amount of money, I hand it to the lady and smile. She returns the smile before me and Jason walk hand in hand further down the market ¨hey Jason do you want some ice cream before we head back to the palace¨ I ask him. He looks up at me ¨yes please Tyler¨ he says like a child, I chuckle softly and pull him towards the ice cream cart. I watched as Jason tried to decide which one to choose ¨um can I have strawberry please Tyler¨ he asks quietly ¨of course you can babe¨ I say patting his head gently. I order two strawberry ice creams, I hand over the money and give Jason his ice cream. We sit under a tree by the river, ¨hey Jason look at this¨ I say showing him my ice cream, he shuffles closer to see ¨what is i..¨ he starts but he is cut of by me putting a dab of ice cream on his nose. ¨h-hey Tyler¨ he says trying to hide his blushing face, ¨aww come here Jason, let me get rid of it¨ I say pulling him close and gently wipeing the ice cream off of his nose with my sleeve ¨t-thank you¨ he stutters. ¨no problem babe¨ I say before giving him a small kiss on the cheek. We finish our ice cream before walking back to the minecart station, we get in a cart and plunge into the dark tunnel. Jason clinged onto my shirt as we traveled through the dark, I chuckle quietly ¨its okay Jason, I am here¨ I say drapeing my arm around his shoulders, he burys his head further into my shirt with his eyes closed. When we arrive at our stop we step out of our cart and start to walk the short path back to the palace. I ring the bell outside the gate and a officer arrives in seconds ¨ahh Master Jason, Master Tyler, prince Sky and prince Ty were waiting for your return¨ he says opening the gate, Jason nods and pulls me through the gate. Seto and Tayanne had not arrived yet so me and Jason rushed up to our room to put their gifts in boxes, we place the description cards inside the lids and carefully tie the ribbons into neat bows. We hear a knock on the door, I get up off of the floor and walk oer to the door. A servent stood there ¨Seto Sorcerer and Tayanne Crafter have arrived¨ she says ¨thank you for letting us know¨ I say smiling before shutting the door ¨Jason babe, they are here¨ I say picking him up from the floor ¨o-okay¨ he stutters. He held the boxes in his hands as I carried him out of the room and down the stairs, they were in the sitting room (A/N: I dunno just roll with it XD) Jason knocks on the door and Adam opens it. ¨oh hey guys come on in¨ he said opening the door wider, I walk over to the sofa inbetween the two couples. ¨hey Seto, Tayanne¨ I greet them with a wave ¨hello Tyler, hello Jason¨ they greet back. ¨so whats this important thing you wanted to tell us¨ Ty asks leaning forward in his seat, Seto and Tayanne smile ¨well um..¨ Seto begins ¨we're getting married¨ Tayanne finishes Seto's sentence. ¨oh my budder, are you serious¨ Adam asks, Tayanne nods and holds her hand out, showing a beautiful gold and diamond ring. ¨thats so cute, congratulations¨ Ty and Jason squeal, ¨yeah congrats guys¨ I say smiling. They both smile, their cheeks pink with happiness, I whisper to Jason ¨do you want to give them their presents now?¨ I ask him, he nods and produces the boxes from behind his back. ¨guys, me and Tyler noticed how down you were the other day and we wanted to do something to cheer you up. So we got you these¨ he says handing them the respected boxes. ¨guys you didn't have to, but thank you¨ Tayanne says opening the box, she lifts out the amulet with care and peers at it before smiling ¨its beautiful¨ she whispers. She picks up the card and reads it slowly, her eyes become slightly shiney. ¨thank you so much you two, this means alot¨ she says holding the amulet to her heart, Seto smiles and takes the amulet softly from her hand and puts it around her neck. Tayanne wipes away a tear that was beginning to fall down her cheek before coming over to us and wrapping her arms around the pair of us, after a second she pulled back and took her place next to Seto. He looked at the box on his lap and smiled ¨you really didn't have to¨ he says untieing the ribbon gently, he lifts the lid off of the box and picks up the card. He reads it and takes out the pin, he smiles and attaches it to his cloak, the pin glowed a soft purple before returning to its plain silver. ¨I hope they help you guys¨ Jason says clasping his hands together tightly ¨we love them Jason, thank you¨ they say still smiling. The six of us continue to talk late into the afternoon but Seto and Tayanne said they had to go because they had some work to do, we said our goodbyes and withing a second they disappeared. Me, Jason, Ty and Adam had dinner in the dineing hall before splitting off and doing our own things. Me and Jason were not tired so we decided to go for a walk, we go through the woods. He held onto my hand as if his life depended on it ¨Jason, are you okay. Your not acting like yourself¨ I say looking at his face, he was shakeing slightly and his eyes were looking around desperately ¨y-yeah I-Iam f-fine¨ he stutters. I raise my eyebrows ¨Jason I know when your lieing, now come on tell me¨ I say cupping his face with my hands ¨I-Its just that I-I feel like w-we are being w-watched¨ he stutters covering my hands with his own. ¨I will protect you Jason, don't worry¨ I say placeing a soft kiss on his forehead and pulling him in for a long embrace. He clung to me with a strong grip 'he really must be scared' I thought, I smile and break us apart ¨come on, lets head back¨ I say holding him under my arm. He yawns cutely ¨carry me Tyler¨ he says leaning on me, I smile at his cuteness and pick him in my arms, he yawns again and snuggles up against my chest. I walk back to the palace and up to our room, I put him into bed and slide under the covers next to him. He held the little star shaped stuffed toy I gave him to his chest and continued to sleep, I lean on my elbow and watch him for a minuet before yawning. I lay back down and fall asleep within a few seconds.

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