Chapter 5 - Crying and Lying

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*still xfactor auditions*

I excused myself from my seat and headed to the bathrooms. After I heard Niall sing and make it through, I lost it. I never knew he could sing. I never knew he would mean so much to me. After ten minutes of sitting in a stall, crying, my phone buzzed. 

From: Dawson xoxo

"Hey baby sis, are you okay?" 

You have no idea. I pretended to tell him in my head. 

I replied to him telling him I was fine, and that I had just gotten a little lost. I made my way back to my seat and we continued to watch more auditions. There was this kid named Harry, and I will never forget his audition, but he boo'd one of the judges along with the crowd. He made it through the first round, and he was actually really talented! He sang a song called "Isn't she lovely," but he sang it accapella and it was, astounding. The last audition of the day was this boy named Zayn. He was, wow. I had no words for his audtion. He was actually one of the best who auditioned. 

My brother and I walked out after the auditions, laughing about random things, when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I yelped and grabbed my brothers jacket, hoping he would protect me. I was immediately swung around and pulled into a hug. 

"Girl! I missed you!" Aria's voice rang through my ears as she laughed/cried at seeing me. 

Aria had moved out of our house last year, and she was living with her aunt here in London. She was still significantly smaller than I was. 

"Ah! I wish I could stay and chat but my aunt will be looking for me! Here is my number, text me okay?" She ran off blowing me a kiss in the air, and I pretended to catch it and put it in my pocket. 

I put the peice of paper in my pocket and kept walking with my brother. We decided we wanted to talk to a few of the contestants who didn't make it through, hopefully to cheer them up a little bit. Some of them had potential! Just, not enough. After about an hour of encouraging all of them to keep singing, my brother and I headed to a map that was in the middle of the walkway to see where we needed to head next. Our hotel was only a few blocks away, so we agreed on walking. It was beautiful outside, both weather wise and scenery! 

We walked into our hotel room, throwing our things down onto the beds. 

"What do you want to do?" My brother looked at me with a face of concern. We stil had a few more hours in the day left to burn before we went to bed.

"Movie night?" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. 

"Yes! I will see what is on. Do you want to run down to that shop on the corner and get us some snacks?" He looked excited. He and I didn't usually spend a lot of time together, so it was nice to finally get to bond with him. "Don't forget your phone!" He scolded me as I walked out the door. "You know, just in case!" He was super protective of me, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. 

As I walked into the shop, I scanned for something sweet. I found the aisle where the sweets were and stood there, debating in my head what to get. After a few minutes, I realized I had no idea what kind of sweets my brother liked, so I texted him. I stood there awkwardly staring at the sweets and I'm almost 99% sure everyone who walked by was silently judging me. When he texted me back saying he wanted twizlers, I searched the huge aisle for them. 

"twizlers, twizlers, twizlers." I repeated quietly to myself and I struggled to locate them.

"Here." I heard a thick Irish accent flowing with his words. I turned to see James standing next to me, holding a bag of twizlers out for me. "I heard you saying twizlers, and I thought I would help you out." 

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