Chapter 7 - Confessions

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*Niall's POV* 

I can't believe that any of this is real. I was in a band, and we just went international with our first single 'What Makes You Beautiful.' People all over the world knew who I was? Just the thought of it blew my mind. There was also the factor that there were girls out there who were dying to meet us someday, like, how do you even process that? On top of all of this excitement that had just enetered my life, I was still stuck on the thought that Evelyn and I could have been something more than friends, that is, if I had gained the courage to open my mouth and say something about it when I last saw her in that little shop on the corner. I choked, and I am still embarrassed about it. I lost count of how long it's been since I've seen her, and now I'm to the point of just mentioning her to the small amounts of paps that are following me around, in hope she will see that I'm looking for her. If I saw her just casually walking on the street, I would hold her tight and never let her go. I don't care what people would say about it, I just want her in my life again. She brought this unimaginable joy to my heart, and all I could do was feel like I had a place in the world. Yeah, singing for a famous band should make me feel accepted and like I have a purpose, but it doesn't compare. Nobody compares to Evelyn, and I love that about her. She's so special and unique. She's not afraid to be herself when she is with me, and her personality is like nothing else. She's absolutely gorgeous too, let us not forget that. I just wish there was a way to contact her, or to even just see her face one last time. 

I miss her. 

"Niall snap out of it! We are going on stage in ten minutes and we need to warm up our voices one last time!" Liam, one of my bandmates, nudged me snapping me out of the deep thought I was engaged in.

"Sorry, I just got lost there for a second, but I'm back now. Let's get started!" I threw on a fake smile and acted like I normally did. I acted carefree and like everything was okay, but nothing was okay. My heart was longing to be with Evelyn. 

After we warmed up, we all ran out on the stage. Lights blinding us, and blood curdling screams echoed as we started to answer twitter questions. Zayn and Harry were impersonating each other, and the crowd was getting a kick out of it. 

We were almost done answering questions, and the last question ended up being: "Do any of you have something on your mind worth sharing?" I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Louis read it off. 

"Why don't you take this one, Nialler!" Liam pointed to me and all the girls screamed and shouted as I stood there, frozen. 

How on earth am I supposed to answer this. I can't tell them the truth, management wouldn't like it. But I need to find her. This may be my only chance. No, stop. You will have other chances. You need to answer the question now before everyone starts to catch on! C'mon Niall, pull it together and just answer the question. Go!

"I'm actually thinking about pizza. I would really love some." I answered the question in hopes the crowd would take to it. The girls screamed and yelled. 

"Do you ever think about anything other than food?!" Louis chanted from the other side of the stage as he was sitting on the couch we had out there. 

"Nope!" I lied through my teeth one last time, and nobody caught on. I thought I had skimmed past this one, and no one would notice. I was wrong. 

After our concert we went out and talked to some fans, signed some autographs and took some pictures. Girls kissed my cheek, and told me they loved me. But to be honest, none of it even phased me the slightest. I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about Evelyn and little scenarios I had built up in my head. 

I was playing through our 'first date,' if we had ever gotten to have one. How I would talk to her, how beautiful she would look, her laughter filling the room, how I would hold her hand, how I would kiss her on the cheek at the right moment, or even how our first kiss would happen. I know, it was weird that a guy was thinking about all of this, but it was all I could do in order to keep myself from wanting to just give up. 

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