Chapter One - My new neighbors, and their son.

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Player's Pov:
   You had been playing a video game in your room once you heard your mother call you downstairs. "P/n! Come down here!" At first your mind raced because what if you somehow got grounded? What if you accidentally had a bomb or something. Anxiously, you head downstairs.
   Once you do manage to get there though, fortunately your not in trouble. You see your mother packing a small present. Filled with some candles, and a small bag of candies. "We're going to visit the neighbors across the street." Your mom states. "They just moved in four days ago, so we wanted to let them get settled and then drop off a gift."
   "Alright mom." You say before heading upstairs to get some clothes to put on to head out. The gesture was sweet, but you weren't very social. And communication was never your strongest skill. You could talk and all, but things as such always got you anxious, and this made you a bit nervous. "Just some neighbors, it's fine." You said to yourself as you put on your hoodie and switched shorts.
   Shortly after you finish changing, your computer lights up. It was Carmen and the rest of team red. "Hey Red!" You exclaim as you tie your shoes. "Hey Player." She states. Zack, Ivy, and Shadowsan weren't there at the moment you guess. Probably off somewhere eating or doing their own thing. "You headed somewhere?" Carmen asks as you finish tying your shoes.
   "I'm heading to my neighbor's house." You reply. "They're new so me and my parents are bringing a small welcome gift. Carmen smiles and says that she'll let you get back to it before ending the call. Now time to head out..and talk to people..

Y/N's Pov:
   You had just finished unpacking the last of the boxes of your stuff. Fortunately the house came completely furnished. But the whole experience was quite scary. You haven't moved homes your whole life up until now, and being in such a new community was stressing you out. Unfortunately for you, your mother just got a new well paying job that had placed you far away from home. Of course you were happy for her and excited. But all of your close friends and loved ones were now very very far.
   You sat there in your new bedroom for a little when you heard your mother calling you from downstairs. "Y/n! Come downstairs!" She shouted. "Oh! Coming!" You shout back. As you begin heading towards the stairs. But as you leave your bedroom you realize that what you're hearing is chatter. Something about neighbors. And it was definitely more than one person. "People?" You mumble to yourself. "Not just people, my new neighbors." You mumble once more before reaching the bottom step.
You look over to your right and see three people in the doorway. A man and a woman, just standing beside them looked like what seemed to be their kid. Who looked much more like the woman than he did the man. "Oh, there she is!" Your father says. "Mr and Mrs. Bouchard, this is our daughter Y/n." You come forward to face the neighbors in front of you. They were all good looking people, and the boy who looked to be around your age had stopped looking at his smart watch to take a look at you. "Hi, I'm Y/n." You say to him and his family.

Player's Pov:
   Standing before you was a girl who looked to be about your age. Admittedly, she was quite pretty. Both of you had been around the same height, (Like 5,4.) she wore a simple black t-shirt and some red plaid pajama pants, along with some black cat slippers. After a few seconds of silence between the two of you she introduces herself as Y/n to you and your family. "It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n." Your mother replies. "This is my son P/n."
"Nice to meet you." You add on, because you don't want to seem rude to people who live directly across the street from you. And it's better to make friends than enemies for no reason. "Most people call me Player, so you can just call me that." You state, just to give a warm introduction rather than a cold one.
   "Oh how rude of us, please do come in!" Said Y/n's mother. Now you'd be staying longer, normally this would make you feel unfortunate, but the new neighbors are nice and all. Maybe you could even make a friend.

Y/n's Pov:
The family on the other side of the doorway makes their way inside and you head to the living room with them. Only because you have to be nice and all. And this family seemed interesting enough. Plus they live across the street from you, and you don't feel like getting kidnapped for being a bad person.
After a good few minutes the conversation doesn't seem to die down between the adults, and you and Player are left sitting on the couch by yourselves. I guess it makes sense one of you should start up a conversation, just who? Both of you are honestly quite socially anxious, and you'd both prefer somebody else speak first. Being the somewhat brave person you are, you make the first move.
"Uhm, I'm sorry if my parents are making you uncomfortable." You muttered out, due to the fact they were always kinda pushy. And they had already been talking for about 45 minutes since the time his parents came in. "Oh! No, it's fine." Player answered, honestly they probably didn't make him feel uncomfy, but it was still awkward, and you wanted to apologize anyways. After another 30 seconds or so, you hear a sound from <insert favorite game> on his phone which catches your attention. "You play <insert favorite game>?" You say to him. "Yeah, it's my favorite." He replies to you. "Same, what's your favorite_______?" You say as the conversation ends up continuing on, and it turns out you have a lot of things in common.
After another 45 minutes, Player's parents decide it's time to leave, and once the parents of both teens look to the couch beside them, they end up seeing both teens having fun chatting about some random things and having a few laughs about it. "Player, it's time to go." His stepfather states. Before him and his parents gather their things and say goodbye.

Maybe this move left you with some sort of luck after all..

Close &quot;Friends&quot; (Player x Fem Reader Fanfic) Carmen Sandiego (QUIT.)Where stories live. Discover now