Chapter Twelve: Monday Evening

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Y/n's Pov:
   You and Player are talking on the couch. His parents and your parents are talking to the police officers outside. "I just don't get it, we live in a great neighborhood, there hasn't been crime here in over 57 years according to the neighbors and local crime records. Why here? And why now?" Player's mom says. "I see that as well, it's one of the reasons why we moved here." Your mother says in reply. "That's true, it's very rare for crime to happen in this area, it shouldn't be hard to catch the culprits of this, and I suggest you create some household safety protocols, and get alarms set in place." One police officer says. "The people were armed according to your son, maybe you should find somewhere else for him to stay during the day as well." Another one adds on.
   It doesn't take long for you to notice a few familiar faces entering the scene. It's none other than Team Red, disguised as police officers. You see them chatting with two of the ACTUAL officers before they get everyone other than themselves off the scene. Apparently the plan's working out about them doing an overnight search because it could be related to a sort of "Traveling crime gang" that commits crimes like theft and murder. Otherwise known as V.I.L.E. "This is giving me a headache." Player states while looking at the screen of his phone. "I feel that, everything was going well up until now, this little "incident" is just a problem." You say in reply. The adults walk back inside while you watch Team Red talking outside of Player's house.
"P/n." Player's mom says in a noticeably serious and concerned tone. Player now looks like he know's something bad or serious is gonna happen. "I think it's time you go back to that public school with Y/n." His mom says to him. Now player looks shocked. "What? Why? I thought I wouldn't have to go back because the termite-bees situation wasn't safe?!" Player says in a concerned tone. "I know, but it's been months since that happened. Besides, this break-in has made me and your stepfather realize it's just a lot less safe to leave you in the house like that. I'm sorry but it's final." She says to him. Player looks upset, but he deals with it. "Alright." He says, playing some random mobile game.

Carmen's Pov:
   You, Zack, Ivy, and Shadowsan are now inside of Player's house, looking for any and every sign of anything that could possibly help you find out more about V.I.L.E's planned kidnapping. "Let's split up." You say to everyone. "Good idea, that way we can cover more ground." Shadowsan replies. "Zack, Ivy, you search the upstairs. Me and Shadowsan will look around here." Carmen states. "Alright Boss." Ivy states "Zack and Ivy, the thief police!" Zack adds on. They both rush upstairs leaving you and Shadowsan to search.

Ivy's Pov:
   Other than the knocked over items, the house looks like it's been kept quite clean. You look at the doors, which are all open. "Woah, they really trashed this place." Zack says. "Yeah, It looks like it's been kept clean aside from the mess that has V.I.L.E all over it." You reply to him. You both enter Player's room, which is only slightly messy. "Woah, wicked gamer setup!" Zack says, looking at Player's Computer. He extends an arm out to touch it, but you slap his hand, stopping him. It's not just a gamer setup, it's also his Hacker equipment, which he needs to help us on capers bro! Which means don't touch his stuff." You say to him. "Fine." Zack responds.
   You both look around his room until you notice a medium sized wooden jewelry box on his bookshelf. "Hmm?" You mutter. You open it up, only to find a few random things. Old keys, a few pens, a fidget spinner, and some other small trinkets. You were about to put the box back on the shelf until you feel a small button on the back of the box. You're curious, and decide to press it. The top part of the box lifts up vertically revealing a secret compartment with only one thing inside. A small red book with a bookmark inside.
   "Secret compartment?" You say. Zach immediately rushes over. "All that secrecy for a book? Zach says, not amused. "Well the book must have some value or importance to Player if he went through all this effort to hide it. You say, taking it from the box. "What happened to don't touch his stuff?" Zack says. "That was hacker stuff, this is a mysterious and well hidden book." You tell him.
   You open to the first page. "Property of P/n Bouchard, if you found this, you're probably snooping through my stuff. And that's pretty rude so how about you stop." It says. "Woah, player has a diary thing?" Zach says. You flip a few pages over, it's not the bookmarked page yet, but you wanna see.

"Today was actually pretty fun, and far from the regular. Today my parents wanted me to come with them to bring a gift to my new neighbors, who just recently moved into the house across the street. I'm not very social, I actually get social anxiety, which always made it hard talking with people face to face. Especially when I'm not comfortable comfortable with them. I felt kinda awkward in the situation at first, but after a little I actually had some fun. Turns out they have a daughter who's name is Y/n, she's actually my age. I'm glad she started up the conversation, I wouldn't have had the guts. She likes a lot of the same things as me, and we even have the same favorite game. I ended up exchanging phone numbers with her. It was a nice experience with my neighbors." It says.

   "So that's how him and Y/n met!" Zack says. "That's adorable. They're totally gonna end up together someday." You reply. You flip to a few pages over, still not at the bookmarked page yet, but getting close.

  "Today me and Y/n ended up going to the park for the hangout we planned. We ended up running into two of Y/n's friends from school that actually weren't obsessed with her. The entire school is all over her. But I understand why. Y/n has to be in my top 3 favorite people in Canada. Aside from my parents of course. Anyway, we had been talking when Jackson and Alice (the friends who I'm now friends with) had started talking about a movie. Me and Y/n had watched it at her house, when we told them that they started to think me and Y/n are a thing. Which we are not.. I mean at least I thought we weren't up until today, when she kissed me on the cheek as a flirt move. I didn't expect it. We were flirting as a bit of a joke at first to confuse our friends, but it felt so real. But the kiss was a big move, and in all honesty I kinda liked it. Later while we were walking to our houses, we talked about it. I ended up kissing her back on the cheek as a move to show her it's okay. As for our relationship? We ended up going as "sweethearts" for now."

"Wait so they started dating?! Are they still together?" Zack says. "We knew about the fact that Y/n kissed him, but Player left out some parts when telling us the story." You say. You flip to the bookmarked page, which and the date that wasn't too long ago. It was marked as less than a week ago actually.

"Today me and Y/n had a sleepover, the week ahead may be a bit stressful to say the least, so the so the sleepover was good to just relax. "Me and Y/n watched some movies, and we had a lot of fun. She ended up getting cold because I keep my room cold because I like to wear hoodies a lot. I decided to get a blanket for the both of us. Y/n ended up falling asleep in my arms, she's a quiet sleeper, I thought she was awake for a little until I saw that she was asleep. I liked the sleepover and so did she. I don't think I've ever been so comfortable around someone like I am with Y/n. On top of that, I'm also glad I'm making friends and going outside more because of her. She's been nothing but a good influence on me since day one, and I'm really thankful to have her in my life." The page says.

   "Aww! That's so cute!" You say. "I better be invited to the wedding." Zack says. "Me too." You says as you close the book and put it back. "Okay, back to "police" work." You say to Zack. "On it sis!" He says in reply.

   Author's note: I hope you guys liked the journal bit, I really wanted to add it there. I thought it would've been adorable to show Player's view on Y/n and their relationship.

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