Vacation With The Crew

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"Bae finish telling me the story"

"Lala I well but not now "

" why"

"Because every time I tell it I end up mad and I need my feet to be on a flat floor so I can be safe for you and my baby"

"Ok baby I understand"

"So where is cherry and boss.?"

"Their coming up behind us righttttttt now"

*Cherry calls*

"boy about time you drive "

"Lol about time you got your toes done"

"Don't get slapped mike"

"Yes mam"

Mrs. Cherry was like a mom to me she provided for me all day everyday never had to beg because she already knew what I needed and wanted . Like at school she would pay off my fees and the teacher wouldn't say nothing to me I was so happy I didn't have to worry about nothing. But I guess my mom got mad so she said they kidnapped me and I told Mrs. Cherry and the next day they adopted me I told the judge and jury that my mom wasn't stable so they thought I should stay with boss and cherry.

"Lala wake up!"

"Whattt do you want"

"Were here."

"For real lol yayyyyyyy I got to pee anyway"

"Pissy ass"

"Shut the fuck up"

"Hell naw"

*hears a click from lala side"

"Said what"?

" I said baby your so beautiful"

"Mhm lol "

Lala P.O.V

Being with mike is so magical I never felt this way with no dude every in my life and he's just the one for me I wish I could trap with him but I can't because of the baby but I promise to be the best girlfriend/babymama/wife to him also a Bestfriend I love him with all my heart and wouldn't know what to do if I loose him.

"Get out dumbass"

"Mike you must want me to kill you before we even get to have fun"

*Lala got out the car with a huge smile all she saw was a beautiful scene*

"Mrs. Cherry this is a beautiful condo"

"Thanks hunny all it takes is hard work and being a independent intelligence and beautiful woman"

" Haha I can't wait for me and mike to have it big like this"

"Sit down let me talk to you real quick"

"Am I in trouble.?"

"No hunny haha I just need to talk to you "

"Well yes mam?"

"I like you I really do and I especially like you way better then his ex girlfriend Shayla that girl was trashy and just wasn't classy she was using Mike and I'm glad you see him for him and not for the money or big things he's got going on"

"Oh I love that boy I never had a feeling so strong for someone ever in my life until I met Mike He brightens my day and helps me through it all I would never use him if we have to become homeless and broke I will stay by his side I love him Mrs. Cherry."

"I'm glad to hear that Lala Haha that boy is becoming more like my husband everyday look at the way their standing and their gestures to one another"

"What's funny "

"You two lol bae you and boss are acting like each other"

"Yea and baby Mike stands just like you "

*Lala and Mrs. Cherry starts laughing but after they stop Lala holds her stomach and starts falling to the ground*

" Lala Lala baby you good are you OK"?

"Baby help me "

" I'm here Lala just keep your eyes open, Mrs. Cherry can you help please"

*Blood starts coming from between Lala legs*

"Get her in the car now "

"What's going on Mrs. Cherry? Why is she bleeding?"

"Get her in the car were taking her to the hospital"

*They all get in to the car and they are all silent, they finally make it to the hospital*

" Mrs. Cherry what's going on why is she bleeding like that down there?"

"Hold on Mike, We need a doctor she's having a miscarriage"

*The nurses take Lala to the back and Mike starts walking around worried *

"Mike come sit down"

"Mrs Cherry can you please tell me whats going on with my babies?"

" Well Mike she's having a miscarriage"

" what is that?"

"She's losing the baby sweetie"

*Mike falls into Mrs. Cherry's lap crying*

"Look baby its sad as hell but you have to look at the signs its probably a reason why God gave you and her a second chance he probably wants y'all to wait"

" I just wanted to see the little kid you know be a dad for my child like my dad wasn't for me"

*Lala screams and everyone gets up running to her direction* Mike asks the nurse where is she and they point to the door*

"Baby are you OK"

*When they walked in Lala was crying holding the dead baby in her hands full of blood yelling why me why my baby*

" Why does god hate me why did he do this"

"Look hunny god has reasons and this probably was one he's giving y'all another chance baby girl"

*Mike looks at the dead baby and starts crying and he lays his head on Lala*

"Baby don't cry its OK"

"I just wanted to teach my son how to throw a football or how to be a men I wanted to teach him those things bae."

"I know baby but you have to understand that we have plenty more chances."

"You good?" Your taking this mighty fine"

" I talked to Cherry she explained it to me I mean yea I'm hurt I just lost my child , my seed, our new edition, it hurts me like hell that I have to let the baby go but im glad I'm still with you so we can make more baby"

"I love you so much Lawana*

"I love you to Michael Myers"

"That's not my name Lawana Ying"

"Your funny"

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