"He's Hurt?"

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Donnie's POV

"Raph, Leon, have you guys noticed something... Off, with Angelo lately?" I look between the two.

"Nothing I've noticed, why?" Leo says, looking up from his phone for a second to look at me.

"I've noticed a couple scrapes and such from his sleep walking, but nothing else. Is there something else?" Raph asks, suddenly sitting up, ready to run to Mikey's room.

"His arm was dislocated yesterday, and it seems like these nightmares are painful for him." I mumble, staring down at the floor. Raph was now a bit panicked, he didn't know Mikey was that hurt.

"Nothing too bad could be happening, I'm sure he just got his arm caught on something... Hopefully." Leo hesitated, not wanting to freak Raph out, but not wanting to sound inconsiderate about his baby brothers health.

"Let's just wait til tomorrow, if he's still hurt, we start following him in his walks. Alright?" I question, sitting down in a bean bag. The other two nod, Mikey was in trouble, and we were gonna help him.

Mikey's POV

'Ugh. I hate those nightmares.' I thought to myself. Every night, same nightmare with the same, random kid. I don't even know why I'm sleeping at this point. Maybe it's the guilt of not being able to help that kid escape? The thrill of being the hunted? It's.... It's hard, knowing what's happening, but the only support you can get is from a random kid that's not even half my age and is already more traumatized. I hate this. I lay down in bed, wrapped up arm, band aids covering my arms, legs, even my plastron. I smile at the small picture tucked on the ledge of his dresser, a picture of him and the random kid, the one he's been calling his little sister. He smiles brightly, and drifts to sleep.

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