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I folded my legs under me as I sat down next to the mound in front of me. I placed the daisies on the head and closed my eyes.

In life, you get different types of people. You get short, tall, fat, thin, obese and anorexic. You get nice people, nasty people, kind people, mean people, religious people and promiscuous people. You define these different people as having a personality. And each person has a different personality. 

In life, often these people with different personalities get judged, abused and bullied. They don't get accepted for whom they are, and that, often, is a terrible thing. It leads to severe things, like cutting, depression and suicide. 

In life, that is life. And there is nothing anyone or anything can do about it.

You live with it.

You learn to survive.

My parents have never loved me, I could never trust my friends and boys would never stick by me, so I always thought that there was something wrong with me. I was probably too short, too ugly and too mean. My friends were taller than me, more beautiful and far more intelligent. I, however, did have wit, humour and love to go around for miles and miles. But those miles and miles shortened considerably the more people screwed me over and over.

But not him, no, I met him and he glued me back together. He made me see love after all that I had lost.

Footsteps came to a short behind me and I felt a familiar pair of hands set themselves on my shoulders.

"You know, he once told me that for most of his life he felt broken," he whispered. "But, that all changed when he met you. You were the reason for him to live, darling."

I bit back my sobs.

"I've lost mine."

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