Chapter 7

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It was out of character for you to act like his but instinctually you knew something was wrong. 

Wood flew out everywhere as two temari balls flew through the wall, though the balls flew around wildly all of you were unharmed, you saw the pattern, whoever was attacking was trying to make a hole.

A large hole in the wall appeared now, and what they saw was a towering man standing there. Though still recovering from the surprise Tanjiro and Tamayo were surprised at how calm you were when moments ahead you were losing all of your sanity..

Two demons stood there. One with the 2 temari balls and the other with his eyes closed, both reeked of filth and bloodlust.

"Find a place to hide." you didn't even look back and walked forwards.

Stepping over the bits of broken wood you analyzed them, you kept quiet this time. You hadn't seen a demon's power this high before. They were definitely a force to be reckoned with and its better to focus on their fighting pattern.

The female demon with the ball laughed again before she launched the ball, they flew wildly, you knew that she was aiming behind you. As far as you knew they didn't even know about your existence.

Breaking out into a sprint you would bring the fight to them instead

Unnaturally again, the temari curved towards you now you would just have to figure out how to dodge it.



Though you could not see it something very much was pushing it swerving the temari to ensure that it always landed.

Both curing to the left and righside of you head, ready to turn your brain into mush.

You would have died, but you this was below you.

Catching it individually with both hands you stop and stared at them "State your business, scum."

Though surprised they still smiled and laughed, the girl tore away at her clothes, leaving nothing but a bra on, "I am here to break the one with the Hanafuda earrings, but I am having so much fun with you." 

The veins on her arms bulged out and out sprouted 4 more arms. The temari flew back into two of her hands as she spawned 4 more temaris. "You should be honoured to be killed by on of the 12 moons."

"It's easy to talk big when you still got all your teeth." You placed on your brass knuckles waiting for them to make a move. "You would be lucky to like the dirt off my shoes."

A vein bulged out on her forehead as you rushed in again.

She threw 6 temaris, though instinctually you could tell where they were heading the lack of visual cues hindered your movements. With no time to attack you spend time dodging and blocking them, you could only hope for Tanjiro and Tamayo to do something. Even throwing a jab and hook at them, breaking it, would be fruitless as it come back flying at you with little pieces with another one to take its place.

Each time a pattern was established it would break and reform again into a puzzle with no identity. You noticed that the man was missing now, he must behind the movement.

Though you felt that your performance was suboptimal the demons were impressed and even more so for Tamayo and Tanjiro. Your movements so swift, yet so powerful, deflecting the projectile with your bare hands when it was able to punch through walls was no joke. The demons have yet to see an opponent as powerful as you but yet they were still prideful of their honour as a lower moon, pride would be their downfall.

So far you had not been hit but fatigue was starting to kick in, slowly but surely. You would definitely survive this encounter if you properly managed your stamina but in doing so could risk getting hurt. 

You leapt back to create distance to reanalyze the situation but no matter where you were there would always be a steady onslaught of projectiles. 

Dodge, block, dodge, counter. 

You just needed to buy them time.

Thankfully, your allies have devised a plane and you would be assisted.

Tanjiro ran from the side with nezuko on both sides, sensing them you rush in for them to get an opening on them for a counterattack. Taking a leap of faith you grab the demon by the shoulders and throw her up.

Tanjiro seeing the opening cuts off her arms.

Nezuko rushes behind her and leaps into the trees only to be thrown back.

Catching her, you look at Tanjiro "Why didn't you just kill her?"

"I need to collect the blood."

A vein popped out of your forehead, sure that was an honourable reason and you can't just say anything against that when his sisters life was on the line but still, annoying.

Quickly, almost in an instant temari demon had regrown her arms as and back in fighting shape. "I'll have your head."

You look behind at Tanjiro and Nezuko. "Handle the one from the trees, she's mine."

Rushing to the side into the barrage. Leaping up you suddenly ready to dodge them again you realized that the other one controlled the movement. It was now a competition of strength, and she was painfully outmatched. Pushing in you push the temaris out of the way.

Rushing in while she was spawning you temaris you throw a right hook at her, blocking it with all of her arms she was launched back. Attempting to recreate that aggression you repeat your actions, this time quickly she kicked the ball at you in an act of desperation. It was a low kick, the ball whistled across the air, you knew that if you let it pass it would hurt Tamayo, demon or not you couldn't allow that.

Looking behind you see Tamayo and Yushiro watching intently, you didn't want to do this but.

You kicked it back with greater force, the demon caught it but you could care less, you look at the rip in your silk pants. 

It was time to get serious.

Seeing you approach her again she kicks the ball at you, aimed right at your head, you caught it throwing it right between her eyes. She caught it but didn't see the fist behind it. Right hook, left hook, grab her and knee her in the face, a combo that seemed to never end and too fast to process. Though she was a demon and with exceptional healing properties each hit you threw were like earthquakes that rattled her skull and blew out her lights. The sharp brass knuckles left her face unrecognizable, seeing the result you turned and walked away.

Tanjiro and Nezuko had successfully taken down the other demon though you weren't there to see their performance.

You walked back to Tamayo and Yushiro, truth to be told they were terrified of your power. Your ruthlessness and raw violence was something that they weren't used to seeing in a human.

Though it wasn't a clean cut to the neck the demon had succumbed to its wounds, too many indirect cuts to the neck. 

"Are you two alright?" 

Yushiro looked at you with a loss of words. "We're fine." Tamayo answered though the smell of bloodlust was overwhelming.

"Good." You looked over to Tanjiro and Nezuko slowly walking back, they had been roughed up a bit."

"Lower demon moon huh?" you looked at Tamayo again.

She shook her head and approached the corpse  "Neither of them was one of the 12 blood moons. They have their number engraved on their eyeballs while these did not. They are too weak."

Extracting the blood from the demon and putting it in a case everyone gathers their thoughts prepared for the journey ahead.

(1270 words December 23)

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