Chapter 4

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Tell me how I am doing on these fight, scenes, I don't know I feel like it is a little awkward since I am still new to this.


You put up your fists and prepared to fight. They were cocky and you weren't to sure that your weapons were sufficient enough to kill or even hinder them at all. They reeked of death and decay and made you quite honestly a little nervous.

You waited for their first move.

One lunged in first to grab you, a clean left jab left him bedazzled and a dented cranium, halting his movement and a right hook to the neck. 

A clean cut. His head fell to the ground behind you as you turned to see if your magic worked. 

"AAAARGH-" he slowly withered away. too bad you had to go for the neck though, that was less than ideal to deal with.

A presence behind you, you ducked out of the way as one goes flying ahead of you. On instinct you grab the left and the right attackers lunging at you by the back of the heads and push them together.

2 of the remaining demons circle around you to find a weak spot and a point to attack, 2 was incapacitated for a few minutes and one was dead.

A newfound confidence appeared as you grinned, you focused on one. "You know I've never lost right?"

You could tell by his eyes that they would strike again and stall out for their buddies to regenerate.

Unexpectedly, you rushed forward ignoring the one behind you, dashing in front of the one in front of you. Leading with your right hand this time you punch at his neck, killing him instantly. Whipping your body around you see the other demon flying to you, catching him by the wrist you toss him away. Giving you time to finish off the previous 2 demons on the ground, quickly punching their necks and severing their heads with your right fist.

Turning around you don't see the demon behind you.


(Change in perspective)

URGHHH, I haven't seen a human so strong without a blade before. He wiped out my whole group of lackeys in a moment.

Thankfully I'm fast, there are other people that I can eat and other demons to conquer, I'll outlive every demon slayer on this mountai-.


(Change back in perspective)

Thankfully their blood disintegrates with them you know, otherwise the stains would have probably been permanent. You still have to wash your clothes obviously it just would've been a pain. Plus you weren't the most well dressed, still in your silk pants and your open chest jacket.

You look over at the now disintegrating body. It only took one punch, though you highly doubt something as weak as that would be responsible for the loss of members in your group. Not the best demons were here. Not much of a challenge for you though.

They still wouldn't die to your left hand, though it did do good damage though, you would later need a blade on that one too if you were to be a better fighter against these guys but for now it is fine.

Despite that fight, it was eerily quiet as if it was completely empty. You would spend the rest of the night fighting demons and trying to look for the people. Following footprints would help but when you walked there it would be empty with some blood sometimes in the area, seems that they were taught to always keep moving.

The Boss (Demon Slayer x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now