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Author's notes : No, i do not own 'Summoning Japan', it is the property of their respective authors, I just made this for fun.

=/// To clarify first, I'm not that well versed in MLP Lore knowledge, in fact I'm still new to this fandom.
I joined during the 2020 Covid Quarantine, so expect a lot of inaccuracies in this story, I'm also not very good at writing English, I depend on Google translate in writing this, This is also the first story I wrote, you can always help me improve the quality of the story by commenting and pointing out any inaccuracies I make.\\\=


=///Equestria, Canterlot, 0530 Hours\\\=

The time was 5:30 AM, an early morning for the solar princess. Princess Celestia started to raise her sun and in turn, Luna lowered her Moon. Down below from the top of her tower, she could see the very capital city that she once directed to be built. Princess Celestia was proud of her city's design. It is one of the largest cities on planet Equus, though not as big as Manehattan, that's on a whole 'nother level. The ponies of the United Kingdom of Equestria were beginning to wake from their slumber and start their morning routine.

Celestia smiled at the blazing sun that is hers, she takes pride in her duties. Raising and lowering the sun and watching her subjects live in peace and harmony is something she herself would want forever.

The United Kingdom of Equestria has enjoyed a millennia of relative peace. This has given the ponies the opportunity to thrive and prosper. Every decade, new technologies are developed, new spells are created, and her subject's well-being goes for the better.

Because of this, the United Kingdom of Equestria is categorized as the most advanced Techno-Magic civilization and internationally regarded as a Superpower in Equus. Also, with the rise of the magic of friendship, Princess Celestia believed that all of this would continue for a very long time.

As she was about to turn back inside to ready herself for day court, a blinding flash of light engulfed her view. She yelped in surprise as she lost her vision for a few seconds before it returned.

After a few seconds of regaining herself, she heard the door open behind her. She turned around to look who entered and saw a royal guardspony with a worried face.

"Your Highness, are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine, what happened?" She inquired.

"We don't know, Your Highness, a sudden flash of light blinded us momentarily. We thought it was an attack so we immediately rushed to your room as soon as possible."

Princess Celestia thought for a bit, her ponies had it as well?

"So you've had it too... Go back to your post, lieutenant, and stay alert, I'll talk to my sister regarding this strange event." She dismissed.

With a flash, Celestia disappeared from the room, leaving the guardspony alone in her chambers. The guardspony simply looked around before shrugging and headed back to his post.

Seconds later, Princess Celestia reappeared in one of the other towers in the castle, more specifically, her sister's tower. It wasn't a long ways off so she hadn't need the use a lot of energy. As she looked around her sister's chamber, she spotted her sister and moved towards her.

"Sister, are you all right?" Celestia asked with concern.

Luna turned towards Celestia and answered back.

"Yes, we-... I am fine. Though, I am a bit curious, what just happened? I was about to head off to sleep before a sudden flash of light engulfed our vision and blinded us for a moment. Tis an experience I don't want to go through again." Luna said.

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