Chapter 3: In Which I Am Stupid

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My vision slowly became clear. It was blurred just enough to where I could make out six figures hovering over my head. I assumed there were 4 males, and only two females of the group, considering the fact of the bulky frames and short hair. I groaned.

"Hey guys," a girl said, "I think she's waking up. Look!" She pulled on the dude's sleeve beside her, causing him to yelp in pain. "Ow," he complained, "Astrid, careful!" "Awe," the other girl said, "I wanted to hit Hiccup!" " You couldn't hit the side of a yak," one of the guys replied. "Hey, leave Ruffnut alone Tuffnut," some guy defended her, "She's beautiful. Like me. That's why we'd be perfect for each other!" Even through my daze I could see his cocky smirk. "I'm better for her than you'll ever be Snotlout," a familar voice remarked. "Dream on Fishbreath," the former male, Snotlout, spat back.

"Shh," the first male's voice stated, "Are you okay?" It took me a minute to realize that the question was adressed to me. "No, I'm Summer," I answered. "Oi," Snotlout snorted, "She's stupid!" The Hiccup dude glared. I could now make out the freckles across his face. They reminded me of liquid cheetoes. The bright sun shined behind him, giving his skin a warm glow. "Am I dead? Is this where people go when the get eaten by dragons?" "So she doesn't know," the Astrid girl huffed. "Great," Tuffnut and....Buff......Ruffnut said. "Another person to teach! YAY!" Fishbreath squealed. The group of teenagers stared at him blankly. The red head, Hiccup, lifted me up from under my arms, "Come'on lets get you a nice bath and bed. We have a lot of explaining to do, and apparently, so do you."

Hey my little munchkins!!! Summer here!!! Plz review and comment below!!! It means so much to me when you do! Oh, and don't worry if you asked for an OC, beacause they are coming up in the next chapter! And I'm sorry if I didn't get you but I didn't expect to get so much feedback. I'll try and get you all, if possible! Thank you so muchies my munchkins! Love ya all!!!


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