One More Kill

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When Kristy arrived at the mall, she parked her car and turned it off and got out and put her wallet in her back pocket.

She put the keys in her side pocket. She walked up to the mall's main doors. She couldn't wait to shop. She knew she wanted some darker, sexier clothes. She thought they had a store just for that, she hoped they did.

The sliding door opened for Kristy when she walked up to it. She walked in and looked around. It was cold inside. There was another set of doors that she had to actually open, she opened one and walked through. It seemed that there were stores as far as the eye could see. She would need to look at a location map of some kind.

Kristy saw the map not too far away from where she stood. She walked over to it and started reading. There were a few people standing there looking at the map. She saw the store's name and where it was, she started to walk in that direction. It said it was on the first floor, so she wouldn't have to go up any stairs or elevators. She walked past all kinds of cool shops and stands. She couldn't wait to see what the store had.

She finally reached the store and smiled.

Kristy walked up the stores entrance and walked in. They were playing loud music that hurt her ears. It wasn't even good.

Why do they think they need to make customers so uncomfortable? Kristy thought. She walked over to a shirt she liked. It was black, lacy, and had a red belt around the middle. She grabbed it up. Then, she walked over to some pants she liked. They were grey and looked like they would fit very tightly. She grabbed those, too. She walked over to another shirt she loved and grabbed it up.

When she was done getting everything she liked, she walked up to the checkout center. There was a guy behind the counter he had just about everything on his face pierced. Kristy smiled at him flirtatiously. She handed him all the clothes, which seemed never-ending.

She also fished out a piece of paper and pen out of her purse. She quickly wrote down her phone number and slipped it to him. She wrote her name up at the top in curly cursive writing. She hoped he had called her. He smiled at her, and Kristy thought she saw him wink.

He rang up the clothes and gave her the total and the bags of clothes. She ran the card through the credit card machine. She smiled and walked away. She turned and looked back at him. She noticed he was staring at her butt as she walked.

She didn't really see any need to go to any more stores. She just wanted to get out and go to the spa to finally relax. She got to the main entrance faster than she thought she would. She opened the first door, and then the other door opened for her.

She walked back to her car and got her keys out of her pocket. She unlocked the door and got in she put the bags in the seat beside her, relived to finally put them down.

She started the car and drove away from the mall. It didn't take her too long to get to the spa. It was really close to the mall. She parked her car outside of the building. The parking lot was very small and there wasn't but two other cars out there.

Both of the cars probably belonged to the people who worked there. Kristy walked up to the door.

She didn't think the spa idea was that great anymore. She turned around and walked back to her car.

She got in and drove away, toward her apartment. She just wanted to get home and relax.

When Kristy got home, she plopped down on her couch with her bags thrown in the floor and let out a big breath. She was ready to just pass out.

She wasn't used to excitement, other than killing people. Shopping was really fun. Maybe I should do less killing and more shopping, she thought.

Kristy laid her head back and closed her eyes.

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