Final Life

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One Year Later

There were vast open spaces full of grass. Lana loved the way the grass blew slightly in the wind. She drove past a tree that looked like it was trying to reach out to her. She had been driving for hours.

Lana always hated to drive long distances. She had to get away from Alabama. All her skeletons were there. All of her evil thoughts were still there in that apartment.

The thoughts seemed to call out to her when she walked out the door and drove away from the apartment. Lana grabbed some sunglasses off the dashboard and put them on.

It seemed like the sun kept getting brighter, the farther she got into Florida. Lana picked Florida because it appeared to be the relaxation state.

Lana thought that maybe there, she could finally just get away from the world. Get away from the demons of her mind.

Lana was very confused; she didn’t know how she could live in someone else’s body. She didn’t even really know the girls’ name.

She knew that people would change their identities all the time and get away with it, so that’s what she would do. She knew that the girl’s family was probably going crazy trying to find her. She was at a drunken teenage party. Lana thought to herself. Maybe they just think she ran away. Lana wondered.

She drove faster to a gas station that was coming up on her. Lana parked at the deserted gas station and then got out of the car. She shut the door and walked over to the gas tank. She pulled the nozzle out of the holder and then turned to the gas lid. She opened it and stuck the nozzle in and waited.

She was done filling her car up, and she pulled the nozzle out of the car and put it back in its holder. Lana walked up to the gas station’s door. There was a sign on it with a dog’s picture. It said ‘please return our dog’ underneath. Lana frowned at the picture.

She then opened the door and walked in. The building was cold on the inside. The guy behind the counter was dirty and had a red hat on his head.

She walked to the back of the store to where the drinks were. She opened one of the glass doors and grabbed a drink. She could see her reflection in the glass. She still wasn’t used to her new look.

She got her hair cut short it now barely grazed her shoulders. She walked up to the counter and laid her coke on it. The guy was looking her up and down, his eyes stopping to linger on her breasts. She rolled her eyes at him.

“Please, just ring up the damned coke,” Lana said to him.

“Please just bend over in those short shorts of yours and let me look at your ass,” the man told her.

“You sick freak,” Lana grabbed her coke and walked out of the store and back to her car. She quickly got in and started the car.

“Take that, you asshole!” Lana yelled as she took off down the road. Lana smiled. She turned on the air conditioner in her car. She wanted to be comfortable. She didn’t even know where she was going or how she would get there. She just knew she wanted to find a cheap apartment somewhere and relax—start over.

Lana felt like she had to hide out after Kristy died. She moved in with a guy she talked to online for a little while after Kristy’s death. She started talking to him just for that reason.

She didn’t want to lose her new body, the new life that Kristy had sacrificed herself for.

Kristy didn’t know what was coming for her, she thought that it was all going to go well and that everything was going to be great and everyone was going to be happy. She was wrong, way wrong.

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