☾ request thirty four

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timothée's pov

"Oh, Timothée." she whined, pushing me away.

I took a step back as she dropped her things to the floor. "What?" I asked, confused as to why she minded me greeting her after coming home from work like I always do.

She sighed, staring at me with tired eyes. "I just had a bad day," she confessed "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize." I said, hesitantly reaching my hand out for her to take.

She took it with grace and I started leading us to the kitchen. "Did you take out the chicken like I asked?"

"Mhm." Last time I hadn't, after taking a nap, and she was livid.

We l made it to the kitchen, a delicious aroma all through it. I let her hand go and opened the oven up, her standing next to me.

"We'll, I did more than just take it out of the freezer this time." I said as we stared into the oven, at the roasted chicken and vegetables I had made us for dinner.

Y/n looked at me with a smirk on her face. "You did this?"

I nodded, confused. "Who else would?"

She peered at the food. "It actually looks good," she said "and safe enough to eat."

We both broke into a short bit of laughter, she made a reference to the last time I attempted to make us dinner, but was right on the brink of giving us food poisoning instead.

"Why don't you go up and shower?" I suggested. "Wash off the bad day. I'll set the table for us."

She smiled. "Alright."

I grabbed the oven mitts as she walked away. I grabbed the pot and placed it above the stove, startled by y/n coming back up and planting a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled, quickly turning my head to press a kiss on her lips before she could get away.

She smiled, taking my face into her hands. "I love you." she said.

"I love you too."

timothée chalamet requests Where stories live. Discover now