Twenty One

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" Connor I..I can do it myself." I say but Connor ignores me, grabbing my hand and gently putting the princess Jasmine bandage over my finger.

I don't know how much he drank, but It was definitely too much.

" You know, we haven't had our first night yet." He mumbles into my ear and I feel a shiver run down my spine. I hated how nervous he made me.

I had to control myself, especially after what he had done to Sebastian.

" I'm tired." I say, pushing away again and walking towards the bathroom. I had a glance of his disappointed face before I walked away.

After I take a shower I walk out and find Connor asleep on the bed. He didn't even have the comforter over him.

I walk closer to the bed, a small smile covering my face. How did such an angry person look so peaceful while they slept?

I move the comforter over him, hesitant on whether I should sleep on the bed or not. Would he be mad if I slept next to him? He hadn't slept in the same room as me ever since I came here, maybe there was a reason.

I ignore my overthinking and just get in the bed, making sure to move as far as I could from him.

I try sleeping but fail as I think about today. How did Connor even find out what my papa had done to me? And why did he even care to do anything about it?

I move my head to the side, watching as he slept peacefully. He seemed tired, I wonder if he ever really even got any sleep on the days he hadn't slept in the room with me.

Why was I thinking about him anyways?

I look at the clock to see its 2am.

A sigh leaves my mouth when my thoughts keep going back to my papa. Was he still in that dirty room?

I decide to get some water to clear my head.

I quietly walk down the dark hallways, feeling my heart race in fear at the thought of a monster watching me.

" Positive thoughts Sofia, positive thoughts." I repeat to myself as I walk downstairs towards the kitchen.

I finally get to the quiet kitchen and fill a glass up with cool water. I quickly drink the cool liquid and put the cup in the sink, walking back up the stairs to the bedroom.

I felt a weird vibe and wanted to get back to where Connor was. I had to admit It I felt safe around him, oddly.

I finally reach the handle of the door, relief washing over me too soon. My body freezes when a large hand covers my mouth with a fabric.

The world turns dark as I pass out, only feeling the persons large hand tightly gripped around my body.

~ ~ ~

I groan as my hand moves up to my forehead, my eyes slowly opening as I look around the room I was in.

My eyes widen as I get up quicker then I should have. Who's room was this?

The room was dark, but I could make out some of the objects. I look towards the window, noticing it was still dark outside.

Did I get kidnapped again?

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