Twenty Two

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As soon as I walk into the estate with Connor ahead of me Allison quickly runs up to me, checking to see if I was okay. It looked like she had been waiting all morning.

" Miss Agosti are you okay! Let's go get you rested!" Allison quickly says as she inspects to check where I had gotten hurt.

" I feel better now Alison, thank you." I smile, as I walk with her towards my bedroom. I can't help myself when I look back, watching Connor as he walked down a separate hallway on a call.

Would he be back to his usual self now that we were back?

" Everyone was so worried when you disappeared, thankfully Mr. Agosti found you so quick." Allison sighs, opening the bedroom door for me. She had already laid out fresh clothes and breakfast for me.

" Oh yeah, how did he find me so quick anyways?" I say as I eat a grape from the large bowl of fruits Allison had prepared for me.

My thoughts run back to Connors face as he was beating up Sebastian. I had never seen him so angry before.

" The cameras most likely, he tracked down the car and sped over there, probably at an illegal speed." Allison says from the bathroom where she was putting rose petals in the bath.

" He really does care for you Miss, I haven't ever seen Mr. Agosti care for anyone like this in all the years I've worked here." Allison says, smiling at me as she bows her head down and walks out of the room.

Care for me? Connor? I lay my head back in the bath as I try to let reality settle in. Why was it so hard for me to believe a man would ever care for me?

~ ~ ~

" Sofia, are you feeling better?"

My head pops up from the book I had been reading these past few days. Connor hadn't spoken to me at all, the only thing that was different was he would come sleep in the room, usually at 3-4 in the morning when he had finished with work.

Allison told me Connor had brought in more security around the house. I figured he only slept in the same room just in case anything ever happened again.

" I'm okay now, I'm trying not to think about it too much." I sigh, as I close my book, sitting up from my position on the couch.

" Must be nice for you, do you know how long it took to clean the puke from Lucia?" Matteo says, a horrified look on his face.

" Who's Lucia?" I ask, my eyebrows scrunched together. I thought I had puked in his car, not a person.

" My car, she's the finest woman in town." Matteo smiles proudly.

" You named your car?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

" It's not just a car it's an $8.5 million dollar veneno roadster." He says, his eyes filled with passion as he speaks about Lucia. I almost choke on air at the price of the car.

How could someone even have so much money?

" $8.5 million?!" I say, still not able to process how a car could be so expensive.

" What, has Connor not shown you his cars yet? The black Bugatti he's driven you in is 18 million alone. Lucia is still better of course"

I was shocked Connor had even let someone like me in that expensive car.

Matteo looks down at the book in my hand, a smirk on his face.

" Please, don't tell me your into those awful romance books." He says, snatching the book and flipping through the pages.

I glare up at him, trying to take the book but he moves it over his head as he starts to recite a page.

" His eyes sparkled in the sun, oh! How much I wanted to kiss his soft, pink lip-" He doesn't get to finish when I stand on the couch and jump onto him, grabbing onto the book before I got even more embarrassed.

" Stop! Don't you know what privacy is." I scowl, his hand wrapped around my waist to keep me from escaping. I had my hand tightly wrapped around the book so he couldn't ready any longer.

" Oh don't be so embarrassed, we all have a freaky side." He smirks, and I widen my eyes at him.

" W..what's wrong with you!" I yell, still trying to pull the stupid book out of his hands. There wasn't even anything weird in it, just a couple kiss scenes.

" What's going on here?" We both freeze as the deep voice sounds in the room. My eyes move to the side, feeling my throat dry.

Connor stood in the large living room, his eyes fuming as he looked at the scene in front of him.

I quickly push myself off of Matteo, this time with the book in my grasp too.

" I swear, it was all her." Matteo says, pointing at me.

I glare at Matteo, smacking his hand away from me.

" Nothing happened, he just stole my book and I was trying to get it back." I say, my eyes unconsciously checking Connor out. He always looked good wearing white button ups, the color going with his olive toned skin and dark, messy hair.

" I had to, your wife likes reading some freaky books." Matteo shrugs, an amused look on his face. My head snaps towards him, what a snitch.

I look back towards Connor about to tell him Matteo was lying but no words can even leave my mouth as his dark eyes gaze into mine, his thick eyelashes making his gaze seem even colder.

" I need to talk to you, alone." Connor just says, and I nod my head.

I feel my cheeks turn red in embarrassment when I realize he was talking to Matteo and not me.

" You can fuck him later, we have important work to do now sweetheart." Matteo winks. I watch in shock as they walk out of the room, speaking in Italian as they discussed whatever it was.

" How embarrassing." I mutter to myself, groaning in annoyance at how clueless I was. I throw the book on the couch before throwing my self down on there as well.

I look up at the ceiling, seeing Allison walk in through my peripheral vision with my lunch in her hands.

I quickly get up at the delicious smell of the food.

" Oh my gosh, that looks so good." I say as I look over the grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup, nearly drooling.

I quickly start eating, hoping the food will make me ignore the embarrassment.

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