Twenty Five

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I feel my eyes widen at what was in front of me, my head immediately turning to Connor, shocked.

" No way!" I shriek, a large smile covering my face as I look at the large air balloon in front of us.

" Do you like it?" He says, and with no hesitation I jump into Connors arms as I hug him for the first time.

" Are you kidding me I love it!" I say, feeling his arms slowly move around me as he pulls me in closer for the hug.

I could feel a smile on Connors face while we hug and I unwrap my arms around him, turning back to see the hot air balloon.

No one had ever done something like this for me, I almost wanted to cry but I hold it in as he helps me into the hot air balloon.

My eyes look in awe as I watch us start to rise up in the sky. I look down as we go higher and higher, my hair blowing in the cool wind as I watch the world get smaller and smaller.

" Look up." He says moving next to me, and I move my eyes up, watching as the sun shone in my eyes as it set, the sky a fiery orange and pink.

" It's beautiful." I say, turning my head towards Connor with a smile, my eyes in awe.

" Let's take a picture!" I smile as he looks down at me. I had never seen him look so at peace before, he usually always had an angry look in his eyes, but today, today his gaze was soft as he looked into my eyes.

" A picture?" He says, taking out his phone and I take it, going to the camera.

" Yes, your first one of us." I say as I hold the camera out, taking at least three pictures with the sun setting behind us.

I feel my eyes widen when I notice how much higher we were, looking over a large lake. I move towards the edge, watching the water glisten in the sunlight.

" Wow." I whisper, looking out at the water.

" Say cheese." I hear Connor say next to me and I turn my head. He holds the camera in front of my face and I stick my tongue out to the camera as he takes a picture, a smirk on his face.

I feel my heart start racing when I suddenly move closer to Connor who was scrolling through the pictures he had just taken, and lean up, landing a short kiss on his lips.

He looks up from his phone, his eyes dark as he looks down at me.

" Thank you." I say, but my words are cut short when he suddenly pulls me in for another kiss, this time more passionately as my hands wrap around his neck, his lips warming me up from the cold. I feel my  stomach erupt with butterflies as his hands move under my hoodie, pulling me in closer.

~ ~ ~

" Connor, you aren't looking in the camera in any of these pictures." I laugh, as I scroll through the photos smiling. His eyes were on me in all of them, a soft gaze in his eyes.

Did he like me? I look up at him, watching as his eyes are focused on the road as he drives. The sky was dark now, the city lighting up the darkness.

" I was distracted by the leaf in your hair." He jokes, and I roll my eyes as I look through the pictures.

Connor pulls up to the house and as soon as we're out of the car a man in a black suit runs up to Connor holding a phone.

" Sir, it's Mr. Novikov he wants to talk with you, he's been calling everyone's phones." He breathes out, holding out the phone to Connor.

I freeze at the mention of my papa, looking up at Connor who had taken the phone in his hand.

" Go inside, I'll be back soon." Connor says and I nod my head, walking into the house. I didn't want to hear what my papa was going to say anyways.

I take a shower, staying in the water longer then I usually do when I get distracted by my own thoughts. I wear my white underwear, leaving Connors warm hoodie on and I put fluffy socks on my feet.

I tie my hair up into a bun, looking outside of the large window. My thoughts move to the kiss from earlier and a small smile covers my face as my cheeks heat up.

I hear a soft knock on the door, instantly knowing it was Allison. I open the door and Allison smiles up at me, holding a gift box out.

" Mr. Agosti asked me to bring this to you." She says, and I take the box, confused.

" Is he working?" I ask as I look down at the neatly tied bow on the box.

" Yes, I believe so. Enjoy the gift Miss." Allison says and I thank her before she leaves the room.

I untie the ribbon, removing the lid of the box. I gasp when I see the iPhone 14 pro in a brand new box. He got me a phone?! I unbox the phone, holding it in my hand gently as I look down at it.

It was a silver color and he had gotten me a case with a small smiley face on it. I notice a paper in the box and open it, smiling. He wrote his phone number on the paper.

I set up the phone, adding his number to my phone and putting his name as "angry man 😡" 

The next morning I wake up tired after spending 3 hours last night on my phone going through all the things I could do on it.

I groan as I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I untie my hair, letting it fall past my shoulders. I'm about to get up but my head snaps up when Connor suddenly walks out of the bathroom shirtless, and his hair wet.

I look at his toned abs, feeling my breath hitch.

" Still wearing my hoodie?" Connor says, looking down at me amused.

" It's comfortable." I argue, shrugging my shoulders as I try to avoid my eyes from looking at his abs again before I got caught. I get up from the bed, walking into the bathroom as I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste.

" What did my papa say last night?" I mutter, looking over at Connor who was buttoning up his black dress shirt.

" He wants to talk to you. They're moving back to Russia in a couple of weeks." Connor says as he finishes buttoning up the shirt.

Moving back to Russia? My parents hadn't been there in years why would they move back now?

" You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to." He says, walking up beside me.

" No, I want to talk to him." I say, making my decision. My relationship with my papa couldn't just change, especially after what my family had done to me but I wanted to at least hear what he had to say, as much as it hurt me.

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