Twenty Four

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" Fuck, I missed you." He mumbles, moving a piece of my hair behind my ear as he searched my face.

Did Connor have feelings for me? Even in the smallest bit? I can't help but want to smile at the thought but quickly get snapped back into reality.

" Then why have you been avoiding me?" I whisper under my breath.

" I've been busy, I don't think I would've gotten much done with you near me." He smirks. I feel my breath hitch when his lips make contact between my neck and collarbone.

" C..Connor not here." I gasp, but my words fly right past him when he pushes my back against the door of the bathroom, moving his kisses up to my jaw.

" Why not? Did you want to move to the bed?" He says and I feel my face burn red, quickly pushing him away.

" Lets just go back." I mutter. It's already suspicious enough that we were both gone, they probably thought Connor and I were doing stuff.

" I already told them we were busy." He says, and I nearly faint. That just makes it even more suspicious.

" Busy?" I ask, crossing my hands over my chest. I watch as his eyes move down to my breasts and I nudge him hard, rolling my eyes.

" I'm taking you somewhere." He says and I raise my eyebrow. Since when did he want to go somewhere with me voluntarily?

" And where would that be?" I question.

" That's for you to find out later." He says, grabbing my hand. I look down at his hand clasped in mine, feeling my heart race just at the contact.

What was wrong with me? I couldn't be starting to like him. But why did he make me feel so different? I wasn't like this around any other guy, but with Connor it felt like my world was spinning out of control.

We walk outside and I feel goosebumps rise on my skin from the not very covering top I was wearing. The air was cold, and I could barely keep up with Connors pace.

" How many cars do you even have?" I say in shock as I look at the blue Ferrari in front of my eyes.

" I would go show you, but we're going to be late." He says, opening the passenger side door for me.

" Can I get a hint?" I ask as soon as Connor gets into the drivers side.

" Be patient." He says, grabbing something from the back. He hands me a dark grey hoodie with the lettering saying 'Givenchy' on it.

" Thanks." I mutter, taking the soft hoodie and pulling it over my head. It smelled like him, like his cologne.

" I might steal this, it's pretty comfortable." I say, the hoodie drowning me in fabric.

" We'll see about that." Connor says, turning his head to mine as he drove down the road, a small smirk covering his annoyingly good looking face.

" How much longer until we get there?" I ask, even though we've only been driving for 5 minutes. I was curious, and angry that he hadn't even given me at least one hint.

" You really aren't patient are you?" He laughs.

" Who knows, you could be taking me to a forest to murder me for all I know." I say jokingly.

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