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It was the start of a new day and Val was feeling refreshed. Sadly she had morning classes and the first thing was on her schedule was fencing. Val was pretty good at fencing, when she was little she saw her brothers fencing together and immediately asked her mum to teach her so she could fence with her brothers.

Once she had learnt everything from her mother she went to verse her brothers but they told her
"Your to little to verse us Valie. Sorry." After her brothers told her that she worked twice as hard to beat them, finally coming to the age of 12, and able to finally challenge them to a duel. Her winning the duel, made her brothers realise she's not a little girl anymore. After that they included her in everything ,which felt good for Valentina. To finally be realised as a grown girl.

Val walked through the large doors into the training room, already full of students versing each other.
She walked into the girls bathroom to change into her fencing uniform and out of the school uniform.

In there already was another girl already in the fencing gear. "Hi, I'm Val, what's your name." Val started off, friendly banter excited to meet a new friend, apart from enid who she was already liking. "Hi, I'm Adrienne, I just realised you must be my new fencing partner, my other on quit, he wasn't even good anyway. Have you done fencing before?" Adrienne her name was asked val

"yeah I've been doing it since I was little my mother taught me, actually I believe she used to be the co-Captain of the fencing team when she was here." Val explained to Adrienne while putting her gear on.

"That's impressive, you gonna try fill in her footsteps? Or not that kinda gal." Adrienne asked Val, by now she had finished putting on her gear and was waiting for Val to finish so they could fence. "Nah I don't feel like doing anything that big, I wanna do my own thing, get to know everyone and everything here." Val responded. Finally finished putting on her gear when they were finally out the bathroom doors.

They both picked up a pair of sabre and got into position to start, after they both heard the words En Garde they started, each fighting each other with the sword. Both girls trying to stab each other with the sword, not literally just enough to get a point.

After they both faught, Val winning they both decided to take a break and watch everyone else fight. By then the other new girl Wednesday had entered the room wearing black fencing gear instead of white. I guess she really was allergic to colour.

On the other side of the room The so called queen bee Bianca was versing Rowan, a shy but very smart telekinesis. His powers were cool but unfortunately they couldn't help him when Bianca had so called tripped him when it in fact was a clean strike.

"Coach, coach, she tripped me, she tripped me." Rowan argued to the teacher "it was a clean strike Rowan," the teacher told him, also congratulating Bianca. "Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck...seriously coach when am I gonna get real compiti on?" Bianca asked tired of being paired up with untalented people wasting her time and ability.

"Anyone else want to challenge me?" Bianca asked the whole class, Val thought this was her time to shine, to show everyone what she is capable of. "I do, sorry Adri.!" Val said proud and clear. Wednesday made her way over to Val and Adrienne, because she didn't have a partner she had to verse Adrienne.

"Oh you must be the little wolfie they let in." Bianca remarked at the girl walking towards her. "You must be the self-appointed queen bee. Interesting fact about bees. Pull out their stingers, and they drop dead. The smirk lying on Bianca's face wiped clean off everyone in the room ooh'ed.

"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defences, he's not helpless, he's lazy." She remarked."are we doing this or not, also I don't know Rowan. So let's fence." Val said as Bianca and her got into fencing Stance. "En Garde" the teacher said then they started.

At first it was simple swishes of the sword then Val got the first point, elegantly tapping Bianca on the shoulder with the sword. After Val's point it drew Bianca to push herself harder to win, resulting in her getting the next point. Both girls swift on their toes ready for any sharp jab to encounter or point they get, moving up and down on the mat. Everyone started watching their game instead of versing their partners, all intrigued in the game.

Both Val and Bianca took their masks off. "That first point was clearly beginners luck. Let's finish this." Bianca told the girl, thinking she knew everything about her. "I'm not a beginner. And for the final point I would like to invoke a military challenge. No masks, no tips, winner draws first blood." Everyone looked at Valentina like she was crazy. "The decision is yours, Bianca." The coach told her everyone standing o the edge of their chairs eager to hear what she would say to the challenge.

"Let's see if you bleed in blue, like you think you are." With that both girls dropped their masks, and started at each other, this round ten times more intense then the last. Each jab faster and sharper, both girls driven to prove a point and win.

Spins were used, both girls doing flips, and other gymnastics like moves, the other would easily counter back and save themselves. Bianca and Val were trying the best. Pushing themselves to the limits, Val did multiple flips and turns, moving her body away from Bianca's sword while still trying to jab her skin and draw blood. Till after both the girls were tired Val kept going. Turning around and tricking bianca to think she actually got the win, till Val sharply turned the opposite way and sliced bianca's cheek open, red blood dripping down from the cut.

"Red makes you eyes pop, looks good on you." Val told her before turning her back on her and walking out, Adrienne following right next to her. Bianca had a look of disbelief on her face, that was the first time someone had won against her, she made it her job to make sure Val never beat her ever again.


"That was so cool, how did your learn all that?" Adrian asking in disbelief. "I told you earlier my mum taught me everything, I also versed my brothers everyone of them, being the youngest makes you push yourself to the limits to be as good as them." Val explained to her new friend both of the girls walking out and separating when they needed to go back to their dorms to get changed back into their uniforms, which secretly Val rolled up to make it just above her knees. It looks way better that way in her opinion.



Sorry I didn't get a
Chapter out yesterday,
I had to clean my room,
But I hope you liked
This chapter, pls
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Ajax petropolus story.

*not edited*


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