CHAPTER 6; family

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The week actually seems to fly by fairly quickly for you. Between work, meetings, the painters coming to paint the nursery, and the boxes of furniture being delivered, Sunday comes around before you know it. With the time difference between Monaco and Mexico City, the race doesn't start until 8pm Monaco time, which means, you, Charlotte, and Kelly are all cozied up on the couch in your PJ's watching the pre-race entertainment waiting for it to start.

"How long is the race?" You ask pulling a blanket over your lap.

"About 2 hours." Kelly says sighing.

"2 hours?!" You say shocked looking at your watch. "I don't know if I'll be able to stay awake for that."

"Sometimes we don't." Charlotte says yawning.

"Sometimes we fall asleep and watch the highlights in the morning." Kelly says stretching out on the couch.

"Yeah that might sound like a better idea." You say yawning as the cars drive around the track to get into their starting positions.

"Alright here we go." Kelly says watching the screen closely, and you find your heart beating faster in nervousness as the five lights slowly blink on and then disappear. The cars on the track pull away as the announcer starts talking about things you don't understand. You watch as Max and Daniel both make great starts leading the race, Charles a few cars behind with Lando tucked away into the middle of the pack.

"Come on muppet," you say rubbing your belly as you watch him fight his way up the placings.

"Let's go Charles," Charlotte says sitting on the edge of the couch as Charles and Max keep switching placings at the lead, Daniel now a little further back.

"Yes! Come on Max!" Kelly says as Max takes the lead with only a few laps remaining.

You all hold your breath as the checkered flag comes out, Max crossed the line in P1, Charles P2, Daniel P3, Carlos P4, and Lando P5.

"Oh my gosh, that was amazing!" You say tears in your eyes as you text Lando congratulations.

"Just you wait and see, watching it in person is so much better." Charlotte says smiling.

"They drive so fast, how the hell do they not crash?" You ask amazed.

"They're just that good." Kelly says laughing. "Only 20 people in the world get to do what they do."

"And only one can win the World Championship." Charlotte says yawning.

"So much to learn still," you say stretching out.

"You'll get there," Kelly says standing up.

"Can you help me up Kell? If I stay here any longer, I'm going to fall asleep." You say reaching your arms up.

"You're more than welcome to stay if you want." She says pulling you to your feet.

"No I should get back, I have to be up early for a meeting." You say dreading the early morning to come.

"Me too. Charles's brother will be by soon if you want a ride Abi." Charlotte says looking at her phone.

"That would be great," you say sighing feeling exhausted. Kelly helps Charlotte to her feet and the two of you head to the front door grabbing your coats.

"Thank for tonight Kell, I'll see you tomorrow." You say hugging her.

"Of course, see you tomorrow."

You and Charlotte make your way down to the lobby where there is a younger slightly taller looking Charles standing out front waiting who you can immediately recognize as Charles's brother.

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