CHAPTER 7; two weeks

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"I can't believe you're going to be gone for two weeks." You pout as you watch Lando pack up his things from your apartment. "I'm going to be so big when you get back."

"I can't wait to see how much the little guy grows in two weeks." Lando says smiling.

"I'm going to be a whale." You say crossing your arms on your stomach.

"A sexy whale though." Lando says winking at you and you just laugh and roll your eyes. "It's two weeks, and then you'll have me until next season starts up again in February." Lando says zipping up his suitcase.

"I guess that's a fair trade." You say sighing.

"Just think when I get back, so much is going to happen. We've got that next ultrasound, then Christmas, New Years, and then the little bean is going to make his appearance." Lando says walking over wrapping his arms around you.

"Yeah, should probably think about names at some point too. Can't keep calling him bean forever." You say putting a hand on your belly feeling him kick.

"Still think Lando is a good name." Lando says shrugging.

"That would just get too confusing." You say rolling your eyes.

"We'll brainstorm." Lando says and you nod as Lando places a kiss on your forehead.

Just ask him, you've been waiting to ask him for days, just do it. Move in with me when you get back. Out-loud. Real words.

"I know that look, what's going on with the baby brain?" Lando asks seeing the blank look in your eye.

He likes to call it baby brain, because it makes you laugh to think that it's the baby's thoughts fighting my own, and not just my anxiety over situations like this.

You can't help but breath a chuckle out, "it's nothing, it can wait until you get back." You say smiling at him.

"You sure? You know you can always talk to me about anything." Lando says rubbing your arms reassuringly.

"Yeah I know, I just..." you say taking a deep breath. You can do it. Out loud. "I want you to move in when you get back from Abu Dhabi." You say looking into his beautiful blue-green eyes. A small smile forms on Lando's face and you nervously start to ramble.

"I mean, only if you want to. I'm just going to be so big, and need so much help, it would be nice to have you around. We sleep together every night anyways so I was just thinking –"

Lando cuts you off by kissing you. It takes you by surprise so it takes you a second before you kiss him back.

"You're cute when you nervously ramble you know that?" Lando says smiling down at you causing you to blush.

"So what do you think?" You ask nervously.

"I think when I get back I'll be unpacking my suitcase here." Lando says smiling and a smile starts to slowly spread across your face. "But," Lando says and your heart drops for a moment. "We are going to take it slow, because moving in together is a big deal. Especially with a baby on the way, and I don't want this to be just a convenience thing."

"Okay." You say nodding as Lando leans down to kiss you again.

"Alright. I really. Have. To go now." Lando says in between kisses. "Max. Will be here. Any second."

Lando's phone starts to ring, but he ignores it and keeps kissing you. His phone rings again and Lando sighs answering it.

"Yeah mate. I'm on my way down now I'll be right there." Lando says hanging up the phone.

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