BONUS; mrs. Claus

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11 months Later

Christmas. What was once just any other day, has truly now turned into one of the best days of the year. I hate to admit it, but Lando was right. As soon as December rolled around and we started seeing Christmas decorations at the store – Ben got excited. He had the biggest smile on his face mirrored by Lando, and how could I disappoint my two boys.

We decorated the apartment early, Ben loved it. All of the lights and moving pieces. His favourite part though was the ginger bread houses, he loved destroying them. No matter how many we built, he would start pulling them apart almost immediately. It was very amusing.

Rolling over in bed, you're surprised to see Lando not awake. He's usually the first one up, especially for Christmas. Glancing over at the clock, you see it's still early. Ben should be awake for another hour or so. A smile comes to your face as you quietly slip out of bed to the bathroom where you've got a surprise waiting for Lando. A lacey red lingerie set, with a Santa hat. Once you've got everything in place you quietly sneak back out and back into bed. Leaning over you start placing soft kisses on his cheek to wake him up. Lando's eyes flutter open as he groans awake.

"Five more minutes," he mumbles and you chuckle softly.

"Here I thought you'd want to open your Christmas present before Ben wakes up." You whisper seductively and Lando's eyes shoot open awake as you sit up on your knees letting the covers fall off your body.

"Fuck me," Lando mutters his eyes scanning your body. Since having Ben, you've been able to get mostly back to your original physique, although some parts remained permanently changed. Your breasts are still larger from breast feeding, there are stretch marks and loose skin around your stomach, but when Lando looks at you... you feel like the sexiest woman alive.

"I'm hoping to before our son wakes up," you whisper and Lando sits up pulling you onto his lap to straddle him. A blush comes to your cheeks as you feel his erection growing under you.

"Well Mrs. Claus, what are you waiting for?" Lando says plucking the Santa hat off your head and putting it on his own. You smile leaning down to connect your lips to his, your tongue asking for access which he immediately grants. Lando's hands slide up your thighs to your waist as you rock your hips against his. You can feel the moisture collecting between your legs, soaking through the sheer garments leaving a wet spot against his boxers. It's been almost a week since the two of you were last intimate, and right now you need him. All of him.

You lean back throwing the covers off the bed before shimming yourself down between his legs. Hooking your fingers into the side of his waistband you pull them down in one single movement tossing them aside before staring at him naked infront of you. In nothing but a Santa hat. You lick your lips in anticipation and Lando smirks.

"Merry Christmas to me," you say before dragging your tongue up his shaft. Lando shudders as you take his tip between your lips, licking the pre-cum off sucking lightly. Lando moans resting his arms behind his head as you take more of him in your mouth.

"Best Christmas ever," he moans as you hollow out your cheeks moving up and down his hard dick. Lando's hands find his way into your hair as he thrusts up, holding you in place as he fucks your mouth. Just when he's about to come he pulls you off and you release his dick with a 'pop'.

"Fuck Abi, I need to be inside you," he says ripping your bra off before flipping you onto your back so he's hovering over you. "Right now."

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