CHAPTER 11; new years

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"Good afternoon, guys, how were the holidays?" Dr. Rizzo says walking into the exam room. "Oh, still going on by the looks of it." She says laughing seeing the two of you wearing matching Christmas sweaters Lando's mom made.

"Amazing. Best Christmas yet." Lando says smiling widely down at you.

"Really good yeah." You say rolling up the sweater remembering the excitement in Lando's face as the two of you woke up early Christmas morning to open presents. Christmas music playing in the background sipping on tea as the four of you open the presents before making brunch for everyone. Spending the rest of the day decorating gingerbread houses, and just spending time together.

"How were your holidays?" You ask wanting to be polite.

"Good. Very good. Lots of food." She says smiling. "How are you feeling?"

"Swollen, tired, like I just want to stay in bed all day." You say sighing.

"Definitely in nesting mode." Lando says chuckling knowing your plan to re-organize the nursery when you get home.

"Well let's see what we can see," Dr. Rizzo says putting the gel onto your belly before putting the ultrasound wand on your belly. "Alright, there he is." She says turning the screen towards the two of you. Lando squeezes your hand as the heartbeat plays through the speakers.

"I feel like he's already gotten so much bigger," Lando says in awe at the screen.

"I feel bigger," you say looking down at your belly.

"Definitely seeing some more growth," Dr. Rizzo says. "You might have a future basketball player here."

"Oh man, I don't know anything about basketball." Lando says sighing.

"We'll learn together," you say squeezing his hand.

"Everything continues to look good. No sign of him moving down into position yet. Might still be a few weeks." Dr. Rizzo says removing the probe and wiping the gel off your belly.

"Anything we can do to make him come sooner?" You ask already feeling like a whale.

"Some spicy foods, teas, exercise, sex, are all good options. But at this point, he'll come when he's ready." Dr. Rizzo says smiling sympathetically at you.

"He's not going to fit much longer." You say pulling your sweater back down.

"You'd be surprised. A woman's body is built to handle this, even a baby of his size." Dr. Rizzo says and you nod.

"I'm just starting to get nervous thinking about labour." You say sighing.

"You've done everything you can to prepare, and I'll be with you every step of the way." Lando says kissing the side of your head.

"Any questions for me?" Dr. Rizzo says smiling at the two of you.

"No," you say shaking your head.

"Nope," Lando says shaking his head no.

"Alright, well let me know if anything changes. Otherwise, I'll see you all next week in the New Year." Dr. Rizzo says.

"See you next year!" Lando says as Dr. Rizzo chuckles heading out the door and you roll your eyes laughing.

"Oh god, not the dad jokes already." You say laughing.

"Oh, I'm so ready." Lando says smiling widely. His dad bought him a book of dad jokes for Christmas and Lando has been reading jokes to you everyday in preparation for your son's arrival. "The second he comes I'm going to be cracking so many jokes." Lando says helping you off the exam table.

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