*Crys in English-speaking*

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Y/n sighed. College had been living hell. Y/n half the time was staring at paper wondering what the fuck to do, or working at the MacDannel's.

Y/n stepped up on the curb. They were walking home, with their backpack, which had pencils, a phone, paper, and books. Lots of books, which were surprisingly heavy.

Y/n blinked and suddenly was in the snow. "Ah! What da fuck-!" The absolute fuck just happened?

Looking around, there was nobody except them. The sun was setting, and the cold already was piercing through y/ns ripped jeans, hoodie and rain boots.

Y/n scoffed. Of course. Why not. Grumbling to themself, they began walking in a random direction. Pulling their phone out of their pocket, they had no signal. No wifi. No bitches.

Y/n unlocked their phone and looked at the time. It was supposed to be 3:54 Pm. It was very obviously not.

"What the fuck world?" Y/n said, groaning and shoving their phone in their back pocket.

"What's that light up box?"

Y/n turned around and saw... was that FUCKING TANJIRO FROM HEE-HEE MAN SLAYER?

It had to be, he had the uniform, the box, the haroi, the SWORD.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"What? I can't understand you..."

"Hello!" Y/n waved slowly.

"I." Y/n pointed to themself.

"Dont." They made an x shape with their hands.

"Understand." They pointed to their brain.

"You." Y/n pointed to the person. Was he a cosplayer or something? Or was this some kind of shitty wattpad story?

"Do you not understand me? Oh. Well thats a problem... Well umm..."

The boy pointed to himself. "I am Kamado Tanjiro." He pointed to Y/n.

"You are?"

"Are you asking my name?" Y/n pointed to themself.

"I am F/n L/n."

Tanjiro pointed to himself. "Kamado Tanjiro." He pointed at Y/n. "F/n L/n?"

Y/n nodded.

Tanjiro made a 'Follow me motion', holding out his hand, and taking y/ns hand with the other, placing it in the outstretched hand.

"Follow me!"


Tanjiro began walking with y/n's hand.

Y/n had an idea. "Follow. Follow?" Y/n said, in both languages.

Tanjiro looked at Y/n. "Follow. Follow?"

Tanjiro looked at y/n, who nodded in excitement. They both couldn't say it that well in the other language, but it was close enough!

After a small amount of walking, they came across a small town. Y/n didn't exactly pay attention to anything, as Tanjiro dragged them along.

Tanjiro stopped and looked at y/n. Their scent had changed to slight panic, along with confusion and exhaustion.

Y/n was in their own little world. It just hit them. They were in demon slayer. SHIT. THEY WERE IN DEMON SLAYER.

Tanjiro stopped in front of a building, and walked in. It was a hotel.

"Hey, I found someone in the forest, but they don't speak Japanese, I don't know what it is, but I was hoping you might be able to help!" Said Tanjiro to the girl at the front.

"Oh! I know a little of a few languages! Not much, but some basics! Can you get them to say something please?" Said the office girl, smiling.

"Y/n? I need you to say something ok?"

"What? I can't understand you remember?" Said y/n, frowning at him.

"Hello! I am Sato Yuri! Know small English, want to help!"

Y/n's eyes lit up.

"Hi! I'm F/n L/n! Hey, uh,whats going on?"

"Kamado found you in forest. This is hotel."

"What year is it?"

"Year? Is Taisho...?

Y/n's face paled.

"Oh shit-"

"Is good you?"

Someone walked past and overheard.

"Sato, your English is shit."

"Ok, then you talk to them! I don't know what they just said but it wasn't good!"

"Crys in English-speaking."

The other person walked up to y/n.

"You are lucky I'm fluent in English. Now, what's going on?" They said, a bored expression on their face.


The person was trying their best to translate everything, but y/n was

"You don't have to yell. Ok, so, you are telling me you basically just... appeared here?"

"Yes, I think I'm from a different universe and or time. I EVEN HAVE PROOF, SO YOU CANT SAY IM CRAZY!"

Y/n fished out their phone, and turned it on. The Tanjiro, Sato and the other person all stared it it, as y/n unlocked the phone, and pulled up a vine.

"Two bros, sitting in a hot tub, 5 feet apart cuz they're not gay!" The phone played. As everyone else stared in shock.

"See?" Y/n said, shoving the phone back in their pocket, and crossing their arms.

"Oh. Oh wow. Well thats... new."


"Welp. That's not my problem, I can just be the translator for now ok? Teach you some Japanese too."

"Alright. Can you ask Kamado if he thinks water is wet?"

"...Glow box girl/boy wants to know if you think... water is wet..."

"Uhh... no?"

And so for the next half an hour you fought an anime character on if water was wet, in a world where you would probably die within .2 seconds without anyone.


Taisho era secrets!

•Water is wet, look it up.

•Tanjiro finds y/n really funny and cool

•I need mental help probably

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