Worrying bread boy

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Y/n walked outside, breathing in the cool air of the night. They knew that there could be demon, but they needed air and a place to think.

Wandering around a bit in town, they looked around at the scenery. The houses, all lined up next to each other, with small shops dotting the town.

Trees and bushes were evreywhere, but there weren't any other people oddly.

Y/n had been thinking for a while. What would happen in their world while they were here? Are they just crazy? Is this a dream? Could they ever go back?

All of these thoughts kept swimming through Y/n's head.

Y/n sighed, before deciding to walk back to the hotel. Plus, they just kinda disappeared, so Tanjiro might of gotten worried.

          ✧Time skip to at the hotel✧

"Y/N WHERE WHERE YOU, I COULDN'T FIND YOU ANYWHERE, PLUS IT'S LATE, THERE ARE DEMONS-" Tanjiro almost yelled, as  Y/n was in their room, organizing their bag and other such things.

"Tanji... I can't speak japanese. Not yet. All I know is Bread, hello, and no." Y/n said, exasperated.

Tanjiro stopped, and looked down at Y/n, who was drawing chibi versions of Tanjiro and themself.

Tanjiro sat down next to Y/n, watching them draw.

"Sorry." Tanjiro said, looking down.

Y/n set down their pencil, and reached over to Tanjiro, giving him... headpats?

Tanjiro looked up at Y/n, both of them smiling.

"Thank you." Tanjiro said.

Y/n resumed their doodles, now drawing Inosuke, Zenitsu and Nezuko.

Tanjiro pointed to the Nezuko, a confused look on his face.

"Nezuko. She's your sister right?" Y/n said, starting to regret this. Too late now.

"Nezuko... Wait, I didn't... you haven't met her yet? How..." Tanjiro said, looking at Y/n.

"I don't understand you, bread boy."

Tanjiro stood up, and tugged Y/n's sleeve a bit. "Follow?"

"Follow." Y/n repeated, getting up as well, letting Tanjiro lead the way.

So! There is something i need to bring up. The next part of the storyline, might be confusing, or I might just do a bunch of time skips, I just wanted to let all of you know.

It is a bit awkward to write, and long, so it might not be out for a bit, but I will aim for this weekend.

I also have been dealing wirh school, and mental health, although it helps to see yalls feedback on this :)

Now, on to the taisho era secrets!

•Tanjiro felt really bad for raising his voice, and want to make it up to Y/n

•Y/n has been kinda depressed lately, even if they dont show it, due to the fact that ya know... They are in a new world. Tbh, I feel like most authors dont pay as much attention to that as they should.

•Tanjiro is now attached to Y/n, and also thinks that their voice is cute, Especially while trying to speak Japanese.


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