Journey ( Hayes Grier )

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We walked into the same room as yesterday. I felt chills run up and down my back. Everyone was in the same place. I walked to my seats as my family and Hayes walked to theirs.

"Start the session." the judge yelled.

Everyone became silent.


The room grew silent. Someone from the jury stood up and expalined what the jury thought of Alice's case.

"As of right now we think Mr.Law is innocent." The man from the jury said. Alice, her family, everyone on her side you can tell that their hearts dropped.

Alice's lawyer stood up, "I would like to call Alice to the stand again."

Alice walked up, showing no emotion. She took the oath to be honest, all that crap.

"Alice, may you show us your scar. The one Mr.Law left."

Alice stood up, and showed everyone the scar on her side.

"Now Alice, that is not the only scars I see on your body. Please explain what the other ones are from."

"I did them to myself. Yes you heard me right. I cut myself. Yes, they are from the pain of the past, and the pain to come. The scar on my stomach and on my wrist are the battle wounds I have left. Let me tell you, I have some on my legs. My family knows, and they just want me to get better. I'm working on it." Alice said with tears falling down her cheek.

She left the room speachless.


The room grew silent at what I said. My mom was crying, and Danny had tears in his eyes. He usually never shows them, he tries to stay strong for me and my mom, but he couldn't do it today. I totally understand.

"Alice, what did Mr.Law stab you with?"

"He had a knife in his bag. I know he had this planned. Almost like he wanted to kill me."

"How did you get away?"

"Well, after he stabbed me, I froze. He was coming at me again, probably to finish the job he started, but I moved out of the way. Went in my bag to find something to help me. I took my perfume and sprayed it in his eyes. While he was trying to get the perfume out of his eyes, I took his keys and opened the door and ran. I ran to the office looking for help. No one was there. So I just ran out of the school. I ran as far as I could. He caught up to me, we were at a park near the school. He still had the knife, but thank the Lord, Danny came. Punched Mr.Law to the floor. He was out cold. Danny picked me up and put me in his car. Called the police while driving me to the hospitial."

I said basically choking on my own tears.

"It's okay honey. Take a deep breath."

I took a deep breath, looked up at the windows on the side of the court room walls.

"I have one more question for you."

I looked back at the jury.

"Do you have anything to say to the jury before you take your seat?"

"Yes, please don't let this man out on the streets again. He is going to hurt someone, and that someone could be your kid."

"You can take your seat Alice."

I stood up, and walked back to my seat. Looked around, saw everyone had a tear in their eyes. Everyone besides Mr.Law. He just had a grin on is face. He knew how to win, he wasn't going back to jail. I could feel it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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Journey ( Hayes Grier )Where stories live. Discover now