Journey ( Hayes Grier )

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“We need to go to the store for dinner. We have milk and asparagus.” Cameron laughs.

We get our shoes on and head out to the store. We took three steps out of the car when 2 girls run up to the guys and ask for pictures. I stepped back and ran into another girl. I felt myself starting to shake. All of the boys were asked to have pictures taken with them. I had no idea what was happening or what to do.

After about 5 girls got their pictures, we headed into the stores. All the guys were talking and I was silent. I was still shaking; the last time that I had all those people was when news reporters were trying to get crap for the news. Cameron looked over at me and he must have noticed that I was scared. He stepped away from the guys and told me that he will explain everything when we get home. I calmed down.

After we were done shopping we headed back home. Yoshi starts to cook, while the guys and I are in the living room.

“So anyone care to explain what happen at the store.” I say right away.

“Well, you don’t have a phone right?” Cameron questioned.

“I just got one today.” I respond.

“Well for the past year we have been on this app called Vine. We have people who follow us. We were part of this group called Magcon, but then we got the opportunity to join a different label and get acting jobs.” Nash explained.

I nod. I had admit, it was pretty cool that they have that opportunity to do that.

Time past and we were getting to know each other. We were laughing and enjoying our time. I felt safe with these guys, I really never feel safe with too many people.

“Dinner is ready!” Yoshi yelled through the kitchen.

We walk into the kitchen to find that he made chicken salad. Everyone sat down at the table, continuing the conversation we had already started.

I fell in love with Hayes’ laugh.



Alice had the most amazing laugh. If she laughed really hard, her laugh would get high pitched. Honestly, her smile made my stomach flip. She was different. She didn’t like us for our fame. She didn’t even know about it till about an hour ago. I could tell she was opening up too us. She trusts us with secrets and she was laughing and enjoying herself.

“Earth to Hayes.” Carter said to me, taking me out of my thoughts.


“When do you go back home?”

“I go home in two weeks. Did Mom tell you that she is planning on coming out in about a month?” I look over at Nash.

He nods and smiles. He really missed the family. You could tell.

“When will your mom be here?” Bryant asked Alice.

She shrugged, I don’t want her to go home, We are having too much fun.

We all finished the food and walked back into the living room. I looked over at the clock. 6:30. She will probably have to go soon.

“Oh yeah! Bryant my mom wanted me to give you my number. Do you guys want my number too?” She questioned while looking around at us. We all nodded and we exchanged numbers when we heard a knock at the door. Bryant walked over to the door to find Alice’s brother.


Dammit. Danny came. He gave all of the guys a weird look, then took my arm and made me leave.

“What the hell? I thought you were going to be with Bryant! Not Bryant and 5 other guys!” He said as soon as we got away from the house.

“I was fine! They wouldn’t do anything. I think Bryant told them. Yes he knows, mom told him.” I fight back.

“Alice, I don’t know. I want to talk to them.”

“Ugh fine, let’s go talk to them.”

I pull his arm towards the door. I knocked and Hayes opened the door.

“Bryant, my brother wants to talk to you guys.” I say looking inside.

“Oh, come in, make yourself home.” He said.

Journey ( Hayes Grier )Where stories live. Discover now