two, truths under a waxing crescent.

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"For a brief history lesson, the school was founded in 1791 for people who aren't deemed normal by society. You know, the kind that people at that time would've burned at the stake." Xavier said, having now put on his blue zip-up with his Nevermore jacket on top.

"So what, are there witches here?" Aleksander quipped.

Xavier laughed in that boyish way of his, "A few, yeah. But they're not as common here compared to the big four as some people would call it."

Alek raised his brows at the words, "The big four, you say? What are those, then?"

Xavier grinned, "Let's get to the quad first and then I'll introduce each of them to you."

There was something so easy about talking to him. Aleksander felt like he was talking to an old friend rather than a stranger he only met a couple of minutes ago. A part of him thanks God for that-thankfully he won't have to bear staying in a room with someone who he doesn't get along with.

They walked out an entrance and into an open area, compared to the halls they were previously walking in.

"Is this the quad?" Alek asked, grinning, "That's a pentagon, my guy."

"Yeah, well, I don't think the American government would like it if we called it the Pentagon, so." Xavier shrugged, matching the teasing grin the fake brunette had.

"Fair point." Alek tutted, "Now, will you introduce me to the big four as you've dubbed it?"

"Oh, I shall." the long haired boy's grin only grew bigger, if that was even possible. He's sure his cheeks are gonna hurt from constantly smiling around Walter (it's actually Aleksander, but he doesn't know that yet).

"The big four are basically just the main cliques here at Nevermore. People usually refer to them as Fangs, Furs, Stoners, and Scales, but to be technical: it's the Vampires, the Werewolves, the Gargoyles, and the Sirens."

Aleksander grinned at how obvious which students are which. "First of all, they're for sure not beating their stereotypes. I'm assuming the vamps are the ones who are drinking blood out of plastic bottles while wearing sunglasses. Tell me if I'm correct."

"Correct. What about the others?" While Aleksander was distracted analyzing the students to win this little game they've built up, Xavier looked at him with a small smile. If anyone asked, he'll say that he was only proud to see that his roommate was already fitting in to the school's society- whatever that means.

"The werewolves are easy. Terribly easy. They're the ones who are constantly fucking howling." Aleksander chuckled, and Xavier laughed.

"Correct again. Two more."

"Not too sure about this one, but are the gargoyles the ones wearing beanies that cover their whole head? Like, it's so they don't stone anyone, or something?" Aleksander asked, brows furrowed as he so desperately wanted to be right.

"Correct once more!" He was right. "C'mon, last one."

"The ones sitting on the fountain? Playing with the water? Sirens, I assume?" he finally turned back around to face the other boy, only realizing how close they've become. If he stopped breathing and tuned out the sound of everyone else in the quad, he would've felt Xavier's breath on his face. But he didn't let his surprise show, only smiling in a sly manner.

Xavier didn't back up either. It was like he was secretly enjoying the close proximity. "Ding fucking ding. You're a genius." he joked, voice unintentionally lowering down to a whisper before breaking their own little bubble and walking away with a gentle hold on Aleksander's upper arm to guide him to the registrar's office.

𝗭𝗘𝗥𝗢 𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗘: Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now