four, blades sharp like a beating heart.

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Aleksander's always took pride in his fighting skills.

"I've got fencing practice. Do you wanna see? Maybe you can considering joining." Xavier said, putting on his jacket, "I don't doubt you'll smoke everyone in there, even if you're holding back."

Aleksander furrowed his brows in thought, considering the idea. "I don't know. I'll come with you to watch, and then i'll decide there."

He's used to hand to hand combat, and sparring is something he's done all his life (albeit more good sported now compared to his time at Hydra). But sparring and fencing are completely different. Sure, he's used swords before, but it was with intent to puncture and kill. He's a violent person; his skills are violent in nature. And fencing has strict rules of parts that are off-target, as well as keeping the fight extremely civil and not violent. Which is again, not really Alek's strong suit.

He's sure he'll get offenses and get booted off when he aims too much for the face or the legs out of instinct and muscle memory. But as he thinks about it, it wouldn't hurt to see how the sport is handled. It also wouldn't hurt at all to see Xavier wearing the fencing gear with all his glory, waving around a foil sword.

Xavier on the other hand was also excited at that same idea involving Alek. Now that he knows his background, and his presumably high skill set that'll leave everyone in the fencing team on the floor. He's sure that Alek would need to hold back, since a normie with that much skill would be quite suspicious and Aleksander is adamant on keeping the secret of it all, but it would still be an entertaining sight to see.

And as they walked to the fencing hall, Xavier's hand on his lower back, Aleksander felt more and more excitement seep into him with every step he took. Then they registered him, got him the white fencing uniform, and off they went.

As Alek walked in the big room, with grand columns and curtains partly covering big windows as the morning sunlight seeped in gracefully. The architecture inside the room was gorgeous, as is the rest of the school; even if it's visually warmer and brighter that contrasted the dark tones of the campus.

But seeing the actual match was a little underwhelming. Sure, it was kind of cool, the stances and the helmets with the swords raised up. The rules, and the mechanics. It looked interesting, and definitely something out of Alek's comfort zone, but something in the back of his mind told him that he could get used to it with a some practice.

Besides, he's gotta admit, it was more than enjoyable watching Xavier fence. Aleksander stayed by one of the columns nearby, leaning against it with his arms crossed and a sly smile on his face. There was something hilarious knowing he could take down every match with any person in here without a sweat, with the added fact that no one but Xavier knew that fact.

Xavier deep down was really excited to see Alek fence. Mostly because he's only aware that Aleksander is a good fighter, but he hasn't seen any evidence of it, and he's excited to do so. That giddy feeling is back again, which is kind of pathetic because he's just imagining how it'd be like to watch Aleksander try and hold back while in the fencing match. He's only playing this match to give him a demonstration, to show him how things worked and how it should look like. Their coach also said aloud the list of basic rules for fencing, just he's aware and won't do something he's not allowed to.

And in the midst of Xavier's match, someone with black pigtails and a black fencing uniform on walked in through the door, halting everyone's attention with her deadpan gaze. Even Aleksander was intrigued, and so was Xavier, almost immediately breaking his stance and taking off his helmet.

She walked down the middle of the room, showing no care nor concern for the swinging swords that might cut her skin. Alek's abandoned his spot by one of the columns, now skeptically looking at the black haired girl with furrowed eyes and a curious word in his mouth.

𝗭𝗘𝗥𝗢 𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗘: Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now