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You cross the line, you'll never be the same.

That's what happened to me.

 I barely did mistake in my life except the mistakes I'd caused willingly. Weird

There was a time when I loved making troubles which used to get covered by the sake of the word mistake . I loved causing problems and then solving them. Well, that was when I'd lack of experiences, I hardly had proper knowledge about the people. How could I have- when I was locked. 

And that cause my little knowledge about crossing lines. Especially the one which was a consequence of your mistake, a terrible mistake. Crossing that line changes you.

The aura I'd was destroyed. I, myself was destroyed, lost. 

I never known making mistakes haunt people that much. I did a terrible mistake. I crossed the most forbidden line.

None of these wouldn't happen what if.................I didn't take the challenge.

── ⋆⋅🔥🖤🔥⋅⋆ ──

What's done is done, there's no undone.

── ⋆⋅🔥Consequences🔥⋅⋆ ──

⋆⋅🔥Consequences🔥⋅⋆[Sirius Black x Fem!OC] Where stories live. Discover now