
47 3 0

October 31, 1997

Veronica's POV

I play Would've, Could've, Should've again. This time I don't even cry. Alyssa is in the bathroom, getting ready for school. Today is the worst day of the year for a teacher. Especially an elementary school teacher. "If you sing that one more time, I might cry." Alyssa walks out. "Sorry. I'm just practicing it. I'm going to sing it for the guys today." I say. "Oh. Are you sure?" She looks at me, concerned. "Yeah. I think I'm ready." I nod. "Okay." She says.

I set up at the piano. JD and Sam are having a conversation in the corner and Owen is just sitting at his drums, listening to what they're saying. Once they notice me, they finish their conversation and gather around the piano. "Ooh, what's that?" JD points to the song on the music stand. "'Would've, Could've, Should've.' I like the name.' Owen says. "I've been holding onto this song for a while, but I think I'm ready to play it for you." I tell them. "Okay. Go for it." Sam pulls up a chair, JD and Owen doing the same. I take a deep breath and play the song. I focus on singing and playing so I don't cry again.

Halfway through, Miles peeks his head in the door. During the bridge, I glance at JD. He looks almost mad. I hope he doesn't think it's about him. I finish and turn my head towards the guys. Owen and Sam start clapping. JD just stares at me. "JD, what's wrong?" Sam asks once he notices that JD didn't join in on the applause. "Who's that about?" He motions towards the sheet music. "It's not you if that's what you're asking." I say, my words coming out for snarky then intended. "Well I know that. It's too hostile to be about me," JD laughs then his face gets serious again. "That's about Aaron, isn't it?" He crosses his arms. "Who?" Sam raises an eyebrow. "Her ex. He tried to kill her." Owen tells him. "Oh." Sam nods. I forgot that I told Owen about him.

"Well the song was great. I definitely think that should be on our next album. Your solos are always really good for our albums." JD stands up. "I'm glad you liked it." I smile. We spend the rest of our rehearsal time brainstorming song ideas. When we disperse, JD walks up to me at the piano. "So you wrote a song about him, huh?" He has his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, it started as a therapy assignment, then I got into it. But as I said, I'm glad you like it." I pat him on the shoulder. "So what are you doing for Halloween?" I change the subject. "Same thing I do every year. Watch a horror movie and pretend it's not Halloween." Oh yeah, he's a hater of the holiday. "What about you? You and Alyssa got plans?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm going to a Halloween party at Alyssa's friend's house. We're doing a Princess Bride themed costume. She's Princess Buttercup and I'm Westley." I say. "Martha would be proud." He laughs. "Yeah I told her about it. I promised to send her pictures." That was also when I finally told her about Alyssa and I. She was very supportive. "Well have fun." JD says as he leaves.

I get ready for the party while Alyssa is making food for us to bring to the party. She decided on making nachos with red food coloring dyed cheese so it looks bloody. She's already dressed in a red dress and a blonde wig. I'm in a black outfit with a black mask to match. In the last couple years, we haven't gone out to parties. We'd hand out candy at the door for kids. Then we did what JD is doing and we'd watch a scary movie. Then we'd go to bed. Tonight is the first night that Alyssa doesn't have school the next morning, so we figured it was time to go out to a party. "You ready?" Alyssa calls from the kitchen. "Yeah!" I yell, grabbing my bag. Luckily the party is only two blocks from our apartment. We take a few pictures and then we leave.

When we get to the party, we're shocked to see everyone dressed in sexy clothing and sexy versions of popular movie characters. There's a couple in a Jaws themed costume and someone dressed as "sexy Rosa Parks" which feels kind of offensive but I don't say anything. "Hey!" Alyssa's friend Renee walks up to us and hugs Alyssa. "I love your couples costume. Princess Bride, right?" She smiles. "Yeah. I just wish we hadn't missed the memo on the whole sexy costume thing." Alyssa says. Renee herself is dressed as a sexy nurse. "Oh yeah. Everyone does this every year. But I think it's even cooler that you broke tradition." Renee gives us a smile. She leaves us to go talk to more new arrivals. "Well this is... slightly embarrassing." Alyssa laughs. "Well why don't we bring your food to the kitchen and find somewhere to sit down." I lead her toward the kitchen.

A girl dressed as a sexy pirate compliments our costume but then starts making out with her boyfriend almost immediately after. We go towards the back of the house and every room is full of people having sex. So we decide to go outside. "Well this is so much fun, isn't it?" Alyssa says. "Yeah. Do you want to go? We can go home and watch a scary movie or something." I suggest. "No, I don't want to leave yet. We can make this fun." We go to the kitchen and find where everyone is doing shots. "Are you sure? We know your hangovers are brutal." I ask her. "I'll be fine." She pours us both a shot. "Okay then." I take the shot. I take a couple more and decide I'm done. Alyssa keeps going.

She starts talking to this guy. They take shots together and talk about their costumes. "So where's your boyfriend?" He asks. "I don't have one. But I do have a girlfriend. She's right there." She points at me. "Oh, so you're into girls? Would you and your girlfriend wanna have a threesome with me?" He asks. "Ew!" Alyssa scoffs and walks away. "Men are disgusting." She says as she passes me. The guy won't take no for an answer and goes to follow Alyssa to the bathroom. "Hey, back off. She said no." I grab his arm. "Oh you're the girlfriend. Maybe you'll say yes." He smirks. "Fat chance buddy." I roll my eyes. "Okay, sorry I want to have a little fun you stupid dyke." He laughs in my face. Alyssa hears this and turns around. "What did you call her?" She walks up to him. "What? Dyke? You're one too, bitch." He pushes her. "Okay, what we're not going to do is push people, you dickhead." I stand between Alyssa and him. "Who's going to stop me? You?" He pushes me and I fall into Alyssa. Alyssa loses her balance and spills her drink on me. "Look what you made me do!" She yells.

"Okay, okay. Let's stop this right here." Renee comes into the kitchen. "Renee, why'd you invite these bitches anyway?" He asks. "Because Alyssa is my friend. A status I'm considering revoking from you. You're drunk and need to leave." Renee tells him. "No! They can leave. We've known each other longer than you and this dyke!" He yells. "Well that won't matter if you don't stop calling her that. You know I have no tolerance for that kind of bullshit. Come on Eric. Just leave and we'll talk about this tomorrow when you're feeling less like a dick." She begins pushing his out the door. "Fine. I'll go. But if I see you again," Eric looks at Alyssa and I, "I'll fuck you up." He walks out.

"Thanks Renee." Alyssa drunkenly hugs her. "You're welcome. Now I think it's time for you to go and get some sleep." Renee tells her. "You're kicking me out too?" Alyssa frowns. "No, you're welcome to stay. But I think the best thing for you to do is to stop drinking and sleep this off." She motions for me to help Alyssa stand up straight. "Come on Alyssa. Let's go home and watch a movie." I put her arm around my shoulder. "Okay." She leans against me as I lead her out the door. We walk to our apartment building and I help her up the stairs and into our apartment. I start to bring her to the bedroom but she protests. "We don't have a tv in there. How are we going to watch a movie if we're in there?" She looks at me with droopy eyes. I sigh and take her to the couch. She makes it only five minutes into Nightmare on Elm Street. In her defense, I only make it halfway.

The next morning, I wake up and make Alyssa some eggs. "What's this?" She walks into the kitchen. "Breakfast for you." I say, handing her a plate. "You didn't have to do that." She smiles. "Well I doubted you'd want to make breakfast after last night. How are you feeling by the way?" I make myself a plate. "I feel like shit. Never let me drink like that ever again." She sits down at the table. "I won't." I laugh. "Oh! So how did the guys like your song?" She asks as I sit down next to her. "They liked it. JD wants to put it on the next album. We also wrote another song. It's not titled yet." I tell her. "Yay. I'm glad. I'm excited to have a famous girlfriend again." She holds my hand. "One step at a time, babe. Just eat your food." I playfully roll my eyes.

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