The before

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Shelby and katherine were walking  to Fwips when all the sudden they feel the ground shake and see a bright light. When they are able to see again they were in a unknown place.  Well it looked famililar but different. 

" What was that?" katherine asks 

"Where are we?" shelby questioned

They looked at eachother in fear and panic 

"Oh god, what are we gonna do!" katherine said in a paniced voice 

"listen, its fine, ill figure it out dont worry." shelby said reassuring katherine

They finally take a look at their surroundings, and when shelby turns around she sees it. The academy. 

Shelby's P.O.V.

Oh crap. what am i supposed to do. I cant not go to there we need to get home, but if i do then i wont be a witch.

" what do i do" i unknowingly say out loud 

katherine turns around " what do you mean, OH look a castle" she said looking at me and pointing " do you think they could tell us where we are?" she continued

Not being able to hide from it anymore I muster up the strength to tell katherine. 

" I ne-"  then I was cut off

" You guys look lost, need help?" A  pretty girl says. she has crystal  wings ,red hair, and a purple hood. Shes one of the prettiest people, other than katherine, that i've met.

" Heres my hat and wand" I say holding my hand out.

"what do i need those for, didnt you earn them?" the girl says

" what, your one of the people who requested them back" 

" i dont know what your talking about, ive never seen you before" she replied  " however you do look like someone i know " 

They all start walking to a place called the "Undergrove". They learned that the girls name is Gem and they were in place called empires smp, which was weird because that is the name of where they were from but it is called Empires smp 2. They set up camp for the night and gem went to go get some food. 

Nows my chance 

" what was that about back at the academy" katherine questions me.

" Okay i was gonna tell you eventually but, im not a great witch" 

" Oh shelby you are t-" i cut off katherine

" No im not" i say almost crying " Im a nobody, im not even supposed to have my hat or wand anymore" i say my voice cracking 

"what do you mean ?" katherine asks with genuine curiousity 

" i messed up, bad" i start not daring to look up at katherine " The great witch council expelled me from the academy" i pause for me and for katherine after she doesnt say anything i continue " They wanted me to bring them my wand and hat to them but, I ignored their letter and burned it "  I pause taking a breath "Thats what pirate Joe was going to tell everyone" i sniffed about to cry " I swear I fixed what i did and nobody got hurt, no one other than me noticed  a chunk was differnt" I choke and cant continue. I start to cry.

No ones P.O.V.

Katherine hugs shelby and calms her down.

"Hey its fine, don't worry." katherine reassures her  " I wont let anything happen to you"  " no one is gonna hurt you or take you wand or hat away" 

Gem walks back  to the campsite to see shelby crying but decides not to say anything.

" I got apples and potatoes" gem says

" Oo those look good" katherine says "do you want some" she half wispers to shelby in a caring calm voice

"im good" shelby said walking to hers and katherine tent

Katherine eats a potato and an apple then walks to the tent and lays next to shelby. 

" Can i cuddle you?" Katherine asks suddenly " sorry that sounds weird, its just i like to hold things when im scared" she said

" Dont worry about it, and yeah ts fine"

They start to cuddle and fall asleep in eachothers arms.


End of chapter 

680 words 

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