The lost empire

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When they woke up they noticed they were in a jungle. And they saw something through the leaves and vines. Another empire as gem put it. They packed everything up and started towards the empire. It took longer than they expectd as the jungle was hard to navigate and they somehow kept getting turned around 

No ones  P.O.V.

"Were finally out of that jungle!" katherine said excitedly 

" JOEY" Gem yelled as loud as she could 

" did you really have to yell right in my ear like that" shelby said with a small hint of annoyance in her voice  

" No, but you shouldnt have stood so close to me" Gem responded

" What do you want, GeminiTay " A man said. He was stood at the top of a tall temple. He had red eyes and light brown hair . He was also slightly tanned, presumably from being outside for a hours everyday.  He wore a dark crown that seemed to not fit properly and glow slightly. The 3 of them didnt know what to say so they didnt say anything.

" Well if your not gonna say anything then leave, I have things to do" Joey said

" We need to know where your nether portal is " Gem blurted out as joey started to turn around 

" wait why didnt we use your portal to begin with?" shelby asked

" I just kinda forgot about it until now" gem said growing a little red with embarresment 

" oh , okay well i'll show you guys" joey said in a calm manner confusing gem

They got to the portal and left with no injuries, which again confused gem. once in  the nether they followed a path to another portal that was supposed to lead to the undergrove.

Katherines P.O.V.

Outside the portal was a place with a couple of mushrooms and overall looked very pretty. 

"Hey gem" a gnome said from a  balcony. She looks almost exactly like shelby but shorter. She wore overalls ,a light green long sleeve and a mushroom hat. 

"Im sorry- no- wait sorry what?" katherine stuttered looking back an forth between shrub and shelby  " shelby you look just like her, But you just a little taller" katherine said 

" I dont see the resemblance your refering too." shelby said completly deadpanned. She then stopped saying anything  just staring at katherine

Katherine also was just staring at shelby and then noticed how close they were to eachother. It wasnt anything unusual they got pretty close to eachother before but this felt different. Katherine could feel her cheeks turning red with warmth, and she could feel the butterflies start to form in her stomach. The longer she stared the more she felt safe and comfortable. 

Shelby was speaking now but katherine was enchanted by everything about her in that moment and couldnt hear anything she was saying.

Shelby's P.O.V

"Hey katherine?" i said trying to tell her something " you've been staring for a while "

"oh i have?" katherine asked not realizing it had been 10 minutes 

"yeah you have" shelby said with a little confusion  Maybe i finally have a chance with katherine! shelby thought 

" Ooo the suns setting, wanna watch it with me" katherine asked breaking the silence 

" wait are you asking me!?" shelby replied 

" yeah, who else would i ask?" katherine said " your the only one i would watch it with" 

"OH sure!" shelby said excitedly 

The two of them climbed a tall hill to see over the forest and watch the sunset. 

No ones  P.O.V. 

god i hope i dont mess this up  katherine thought to herself

" Its really pretty" shelby said looking at the cloud that appeard to be orange and pink

why is she staring at me shelby thought not daring to stare back  

"yeah it really is" katherine said looking not at the sunset but at her. 

Katherine then reached for shelbys hand before getting too nervous and pulling back. This then finally gave shelby the confidence to hold katherines hand. 

"Oh, i wasnt expecting that" katherine said a bit surprised that shelby held her hand

" I can stop if you want" shelby said with a little panic 

" NO" katherine half yelled "I mean no its fine, i like it" katherine said before composing herself 

At this point they were both bright red and couldnt look at eachother. But they were both very happy.Shelby thought this would never happen and was overjoyed even if they werent dating, and were just holding hands. Katherine on the other hand had wanted for this to happen for a while but was caught up with a lot of things and wasnt able to see shelby that often.

After the sunset they went back and talked to gem and shrub about where they were sleeping and were going to have to sleep in a dirt shack that was sloppily built.

They rolled out their sleeping bags and got ready to sleep

" goodnight katherine" shelby said 

" goodnight shelby" katherine said


End of chapter 

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