Looks like we're staying for a while

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No ones P.O.V.

"WHAT?!" Katherine and Shelby say in unison shocked by the news they've just received 

"yeah, magic like what you guys experience is very difficult," Gem said 

" Shelby your a powerful witch cant you do something" Katherine begged 

" No" Shelby said in an instant 

"why not" Katherine asked 

" Its WAY to risky" Shelby paused  " i don't know what i would do and i could risk my own or even your life" she said in a firm yet caring tone

" what if me and gem help you practice" shrub interjected 

" Oh, um sure " Shelby said shyly 

" okay well i need to go check on the academy, we can start tomorrow" Gem said before disappearing into the purple of the nether portal.

And that was the last day before her lessons everyday, like she was back at the academy. They continued to stay in the under grove as they liked it better there. It was calming and not as suffocating as other places in the smp. Everyday Shelby would wake up at 6 A.M eat breakfast get ready and then go and do the lesson for the day until the sunset. then she would meet Katherine on top of the hill and talk about how their days went. This went on for two months straight. Until one day she meets up with gem and she tells her that there was no lesson for the day. 

"  I don't have a lesson I can teach you "  gem said blatantly 

" what?" Shelby said confused 

"Well more like I refuse to teach you today" gem stated   " I can tell you haven't been sleeping well, or eating the proper amount" She continued "take care of yourself , you have the day off" she said before walking away and leaving Shelby to her own thoughts

Shelby's P.O.V.

well i guess i have to relax now Shelby thought 

She walked to the house that replaced the dirt shack they slept in on the first night. She walked in expecting to find Katherine doing something or even just there, but she was no where to be see. 

" well that su- AahHh" I was cut off

"Ah sorry i scared you, i didn't mean to" Katherine apologized 

" No its fine don't worry about it" I said  smiling

" why are you back? " Katherine started "usually you don't get home until about sunset" Katherine said in a confused tone

"gem gave me the day off" i said

"oh good, she took my advice"  Katherine said 

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