Day Off

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Katherine's P.o.V

"weeeelll seeing as you have the day off would you like to do something with me" Katherine asked nervously. She hadn't been so forward about asking Shelby out before, and even now this isn't really asking her out.

"Sure, I'd love to" Shelby said smiling. It was that stupid smile that always gave Katherine butterflies. The same smile she was starting to fall in love with. In the 2 months they've been there they've hung out a couple times. Its not like they could hang out much with Shelby constantly over working herself. But every time that they did hang out Katherine could feel herself falling more and more in love with her.

"Sooooooo, what're we gonna do?" Shelby asked snapping Katherine out of her thoughts

"uhh i was thinking we could go for a walk, If your okay with that" Katherine answered 

" Of course, id love to do anything with you" Shelby said blushing a little. she then gave Katherine a little peck on the cheek and ran. " I BET YOU CANT CATCH ME"

Katherine excited and a little red from the kiss said "IF I CATCH YOU THEN YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY KISS ME"

"YOU HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST" Shelby yelled back. 


This is how their hangouts normally went except for the kiss Shelby gave her. Shelby was really hoping Katherine would get the hint and make a move. maybe even ask her on a real date. They went off and were walking around for a while till eventually they got to a little pond. they sat down just admiring the little view until a little something happened.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK JUST DO IT" Shelby was thinking for a whole 10 minutes before she got to this point. She had been working up the courage to hold Katherine's hand. She had been kind of disappointed earlier because she hadn't caught her. Then out of nowhere she felt something in her hand, it was actually the hand she'd been wanting to hold.

" If she's not gonna i might as well" Katherine had also been working up the courage to hold hands . and in this moment she thought of the perfect thing "i caught ya finally" she said in a confident tone hoping her voice didn't give away how nervous she actually was.

"Oh" Shelby whispered if you could even call it that. she was bright red, something that usually didn't show with her tan. She had no other words and she was speechless.

"Sorry sorry i dint mean to make you uncomfortable" Katherine blurted out standing up

"NO NO wait " shelby hurried to get up with her 

Katherine had small tears in her eyes and was so scared in the moment. She could feel that Shelby liked her too but she didn't want to push anything on her even if she was the one that had said she didn't want a relationship right now. She had intended on building up her kingdom and focusing on her people, but it was really hard to do that when she was in another time. 

Just then she was pulled out of her thought by Shelby. She was holding her face and just looking at her.

"I'm sorry if i made you feel bad or scared and I'm sorry it took me so long to do this just because i was scared myself." and then Shelby didn't wait for a response and just kissed her. It wasn't a very long kiss but it got the point across. Shelby like Katherine, and not just as a friend. 

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN FOREVER, as a little something i made them have a little moment thank you for reading and if you have any suggestions id be happy to listen again thank you and sorry if its not as good as you were expecting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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