Chapter 10

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Lisa was more restless than she could remember being in... decades. This feeling that burrowed deep into her stomach and made her feel jittery, ready to go, seemed to have been somewhat muted, in the last few weeks. She'd kept busy with Somi, with Ella, with her list, with... Jennie.

And somehow, that business had seemed to stave off the need to wander more than Lisa would have thought.

But she'd barely slept through the night, her stomach twisting with Jennie's words. Given how uncomfortable you make me.

And the longer she'd been up, those words and the sentiment behind them eating her up inside, the more this need to leave had taken up residence inside of her. She was an expert at packing; she could be gone and on a plane to anywhere in less than three hours. It would solve a lot of her problems – no more awkward silences with Sehun, no more Lisa Trouble comments, no more forcing Jennie into situations that made her uncomfortable.


Jennie's dismissive tone as she'd said it, that's what she couldn't get over. How she'd said Lisa made her uncomfortable, like it just was. Like Lisa wouldn't have cared at all if Jennie ever said that to her.

She didn't often question herself. But all she could do since last night was question her relationship with Jennie, obsessively. She didn't know what she'd done to cause the root of that discomfort. It's just, you know, you.

It made her sick, to think that for how long? Years? Forever? That Jennie had felt that way around her – uncomfortable, uneasy, unsettled. All the times Lisa unthinkingly – or deliberately – touched her, teased her, and the whole time, Jennie didn't want any part of it.

She pressed a hand over her stomach to attempt to calm the churning.

Jennie's scowls and frowns... somehow she'd misread them all.


She wanted to leave, but she couldn't leave, because she'd promised Somi. And Lisa didn't break a promise, especially not when it came to being there for someone she cared about. Never that.

And Somi wasn't even here. She'd gone into Gimhae to meet with one of the vendors that supplied for her bakery, and when Lisa had offered – begged, really – to go with her on the hour-long road trip to just get away this morning, Somi had essentially flown out the door and encouraged her to stay back and "help Sehun with fixing up the guest room for when Mom and Dad come to visit later this week. You two could use today to, you know, bond!"

Lisa snorted at that, tapering off into a contemplative frown. Just one of the latest attempts in Somi trying to push her and Sehun to spend more time together in the last five weeks – something that had been increasingly obvious in Somi's many suggestions of, "You know, you don't have to worry about coming by the bakery for closing; you can just, you know, enjoy having dinner with Sehun and Ella!"

Somi throwing too many you know's into a sentence was an easy way to tell when her little sister was up to something.

If she didn't know better by seeing Somi in the moments she thought Lisa didn't see – like when she would pause after taking something out of the oven at the bakery and put her hand over her lower stomach as it making sure the peanut was still there, or how she would stare wistfully into the office that she'd yet to let Lisa start rearranging for the nursery out of fear of jinxing anything – she'd think this entire thing was some sort of extremely random ruse.

She just didn't have it in her to sit in her brother's silence today, even if putting together the new bookshelves and desk for the guest room would give her something to do.

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