part 5: resolves(?)

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That night, you were nestled up in your bed, staring at the ceiling in contemplation. Regardless of how much you wanted to forget such a trivial event, there was something in the back of your mind that nagged you about it.

Rocuma said Idate was bad. I mean, sure he's quite creepy, but...

You grunted, snuggling yourself deeper into your covers. I'm overthinking again. It's just a creepy orca. Nothing special. With a huff of resolve, you closed your eyes. I dunno if I'll see him again, but if I do, I'll have my guard up. Simple as that.

You then nodded to yourself a couple times, with a satisfied smile. Good enough. And good night.

Next morning, at breakfast as you munched through your cereal and fish shaped cookies, you decided to put the odd orca man in the back of your head and instead focus on more important things like playing with Peraco and having sweets with Shiro and Yuki.

It wasn't like you'd see him again... Rocuma's scared him off for sure. And if you did... so be it. Act polite and civil, but don't give him an edge...

"Are you alright, cousin?"

"Huh?" You snapped your head up and was startled to find Rocuma staring at you with her eyes narrowed in concern. You didn't realize that your deep thought was causing you to stare with an intense look.

"Oh, yeah, I'm okay!" You replied quickly, smiling reassuringly. "Just thinking about what to do today."

Rocuma lets out a short hum as she washes the dishes. "Well... be careful, this time." She said firmly. "And stay close to the village."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"You should have seen the look on her face, Rock."

Idate chuckled, as he sat on a nearby ice floe near the small snow village, as the rockhopper penguin regarded him with indifference.

"That surprised look on her face was almost intoxicating..." the orca looked ready to drool, which put the penguin on edge, as he took a drag on his own cigarette as he fished for breakfast. However, this sentence in particular was enough to make the bird lift a brow at him with slight discomfort.

"Alright... this way of talking is creepy, even for you." Rock grumbled, with a roll of his eyes. "I've heard you say some f**ked up s**t before, but you never even spoke of Rocuma like this."

"What can I say? It's like a smaller, more pure version of Rocuma..." His grin grows more sinister. "It... makes things more interesting for me, you know?"

"...yeah, sure. But I wouldn't bet too comfortable." Rock rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the orca's ramblings. "She might be stupid, but I doubt she's stupid enough to fall for your advances."

"That's fine," Idate idles, taking a puff on his cigarette. "I like a little resistance..."

Rock grunted, rolling his eyes in exasperation. He's never favored Idate's obsession over Rocuma in general. It was already creepy enough, but now that you've caught his attention, it's even even worse, considering you're basically just a more "wimpy" version of her.

"Ooh, there she is now." Idate sat up, his gaze focusing squarely on the small white figure with a (color) scarf. He watched as you waved briefly to your older cousin before skipping off to do who knows what with yourself. Rock spared a glance over his shoulder, grumbling to himself as he saw you run carelessly around the snow the village like a child. "Runt's more sheltered then that harp seal Rocuma's watching."

Idate watched you with great intensity.

After that little interaction, it was as if there was something that shifted in his mind.

You may have been similar in appearance to Rocuma, but everything you did starkly contrasted her. It was strange, given he was initially attracted to Rocuma, mostly for her resistance of him. But you... you were something different.

That look of surprise was quite prominent on you. He might even call it fear. But even then, you did so little to fight.

It intrigued him. He wanted to see more of that surprise.

More fear maybe.

Either way he needed more of you...

Surprise! I dunno who still reads this, but at the moment I have writers block with my other books, so I'm trying to get things into gear by fiddling with older books.

This page seems done enough, soooo...

P.s. another firm reminder that Reader isn't underage, just incredibly sheltered.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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