part 4: that "melting" feeling

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"What do you think you're doing?"

you froze as you heard your cousin's voice from behind you. Idate looked up with a slightly disappointed look on his face. "Damn it..." he murmered almost inaudibly. he then smirked and took a drag from his cigarette. "just having a chat.." he said matter-of-factly. Rocma's eyes narrowed. "is that right?" she growled as she stomped to your side, eyes narrowed and paws clenched into fists. "if that's the case, why do you need to have your hand wrapped around her paw?" she growled. idate snickered lightly blowing a cloud of smoke into your face, making you cough a bit. "heh, she fell over and I helped her up.. but her paw was so soft, I didn't want to let go.." he replied with a smug grin. you gave him a puzzled look. but... he's wearing gloves... you flinch as he rubs his thumb over your paw delicately. "she didn't seem to mind it..." you feel a tingle run through your spine at his tone in voice. he looks down at you, a rather endearing grin on his face. "did you~?" you feel yourself begining to blush under his pensive stare. but... why...? as you opened your mouth to say something, you suddenly feel Rocma's strong bear paws grasp your shoulders and you're yanked out of idate's grip. "even if she did, you will NOT lay another finger on my little cousin EVER again." she snarled, baring her polar bear fangs. you flinch at her very intimidating glare. she's scary when angry...

Idate chuckled and backed up. "well sooorry...." he said sarcastically throwing his cigarette to the ground. he reached into his pocket and pulled another one out, placing it into his mouth and lighting it. he sure does smoke a lot... he gazed at you and grinned as he took a long drag from his new cigarette. "won't happen again.~" he purred, blowing yet another cloud of smoke into your face, making you cough again. he then bends down and takes a small fish from your bucket. "later, my little polar teddy.~" with that, he winks and drops the fish into his mouth and swallows it without chewing, then steps back and falls back into the waters, disappearing beneath the surface. you sigh in relief. thank goodness. however, your relief was short lived as you feel Rocma's gaze burn into you and of course, you begin to tremble in unease. "c-cousin?" you squeak, pressing your paws together. "why were you letting idate do that to you?" she asked, her voice more hard then the ice you stood on. you shrink, burying your chin into your (color) scarf and flattening your ears to your head. "I... I.. Um...I.." you stammer for an exclamation, but you just couldn't find the correct words. why did I let him do that...? defeated, you look at your feet and hug yourself. "I-I don't know..." you almost muttered, shamefully.

Rocma stared at you unblinkingly for a while before sighing and pulling you into a hug. "I'm just glad you aren't hurt..." she said with a light chuckle. "but please, try to be more careful for me." you smiled, giving a firm nod. "yes, cousin!" you chirped. with a giggle, rocma picked up the bucket of fish. "come on. mafuyu's waiting." she said over her shoulder as she trekked back to her home. as you grab your fishing pole, you couldn't help but stare at the waters from where idate had disappeared into.

why did I let him do that?

Idate orca x cinnabun polar bear readerWhere stories live. Discover now