part 3: tempting...

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a few days pass since you moved in. you fit in quite well with everyone. peraco views you as a professional playmate for her siblings and you become close friends with shirogane and yukisada. they are actually really nice to hang out with once you get to know them, so you go and hang out with them in secret. and you haven't seen that scary orca guy for a while, so Rocma allowed you to go outside by yourself for once. so, after you had a nice day of playing with peraco's siblings and hanging out with shiro and yuki, you decide to go for a bit of fishing for dinner. you walk up to the edge of the ice, taking a moment to peer over the edge into the refreshing looking blue waters, shuddering in anticipation for a big catch. you huff in contentment and set your stool down a set your bucket of bait aside. you seat yourself onto the stool and bait your hook. "I hope there's big ones out today!" you say to yourself as you toss your line into the water.

of course, you were unaware of the orca watching from afar.

~~~(somewhere far off)~~~
"didn't i tell ya? she's quite charming, ain't she?" said Idate, taking a drag of his cigarette, licking his lips seductively. beside him was a small rockhopper penguin with a red handkerchief around his neck. he had his red eyes narrowed at your form, as if he was looking for something. "that little runt? what's so special about her? aside from the fact she looks nearly like Rocma, that is." he asked gruffly. Idate snickered as he puffed out a cloud of smoke. "oh, she's different, rock, let me tell ya." he purred. "I can sense it on her. she's more innocent than a baby seal. she's never been experienced with the tough reality of this world. not to mention she's also untouched and purer than anyone I've ever met." rock looked at him blankly. "Basically what you're saying is that she's a virgin." idate grinned a toothy grin. "and that... is makes her so delectable..." he growled, a small droplet of drool running down his lip. rock scoffs. "folks like her never last long here." he muttered. his words were unheard by the orca, as he got up from his spot, narrowing his eyes as he watched you reel in a relatively big fish. he chuckled at the look of triumph on your face. "last time I didn't get to know her properly. Rocma wouldn't let me near her.." he said, stepping towards the water's edge. "but... seeing she's alone.. I have an opportunity to... get to know her.~" rock scoffed, shaking his head. "good luck with that."

idate didn't hear as he slipped into the waters, making a fast paced swim towards your area.

a few more minutes in, you managed catch about 4 more fish, 2 big and 2 small. "wow! today must be my lucky day!" you chirped, placing your catches into a spare bucket. you planted yourself back on the seat, with a determined smile. "Last one, for the win!" you mutter, casting your line. however, only a few seconds after casting it, the Bob gets yanked under the surface and your line is pulled harshly. you yelp as you were yanked to your feet, suddenly forced into a fit of tug of war. even as you try with all your might to get whatever's fighting with your line, unfortunately, the creature beneath the water prevailed and yanked your pole out of your paws. "Oh nooooo!!" you wailed as you fumbled for it only to have it slip into the water. you look to where it disappeared to in the upmost dismay. "oh no... Rocma's gonna kill me!" you walked over to the edge, contemplating if you should just go after it. maybe it isn't too far down. if I'm quick enough, I may be able to get it! you reach the near edge and absentmindedly peer into the blue water. "eh?" you squint and lean down closer as you see something suspicious. are those... eyes?

before you can piece it together, a massive figure bursts from beneath the water to the surface, causing you to jump backwards, falling onto your back, squealing in surprise. you lay there, trying to contemplate what just happened blinking in a daze. "looking for this?" a rasped voice sounded from in front of you. you sit up slightly to meet the sharp eyes of none other than that scary orca from a few days ago, Idate, with your fishing line in his rather sharp teeth. you gasp, leaning back onto your elbows. "it's you..!" you squeaked, scooting back weakly, shivering from a chill in your core. he snickers and drops the pole from his jaws and walks towards you. "yep, it's lil' ol me. miss me?" he snickered, reaching into his pocket and lighting up a cigarette. he takes a puff and leers down at you. "see, the other time we met, we didn't really introduce ourselves properly now, did we?" you gulp, looking back and forth. "N-No." you simply replied in a small voice looking down. he grinned and placed his cigarette between his teeth. "well then. let's start over." he then stuck out his hand to you. "let me help you up there, first."

you stare in hesitation at his hand for a few moments. well... it's just a hand. how bad can a hand be?

you grasped his hand and he lifted you to your feet with relative ease by the orca and you look up gratefully at him. "thanks, sir." you say. he giggled and patted your head. "anytime, toots." he replied. "and please. call me idate." you nodded. "w-well, I'd love to stay and chat.. b-but, I need to go-" you go to back up, only to find idate hasn't released his grip on your paw. "Come on, we just met." he almost snarled, tightening his grip. You squeak in fear and look up at him, now on edge. "come on, let's go on a stroll. we can chat a bit and learn more about each other." he purred, bringing a your paw up to his mouth, placing a soft kiss onto it. you suddenly blush, feeling a rush of heat in your face at that simple action. "you might really like it.~" he said with charm. This time, however, he actually sounded tempting... you... actually start to contemplate his words..

I really DON'T know much about him, do I? perhaps I'm just over thinking things? maybe he's not a bad orca?

you look up at him, with him staring back expectantly, grinning. "well?" he queried, raising his eyebrow.

you swallow the knot in your throat and open your mouth, ready to make your reply.

Idate orca x cinnabun polar bear readerWhere stories live. Discover now