part 2: getting to know everything

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you all enjoy a nice snack of fresh artic fish and hot chocolate while chatting and learning more about her. Turns out the small seal's an orphan, so she took her in as her own. the her name was Mafuyu. oh, how Mafuyu was immediately taken with you, and saw you as more of a big sister. you then told them a bit about yourself. your parents had wanted you to go out and discover the world for yourself. it was difficult to live alone, as you were lonely and it could get scary at night, so once you found out about her, you decided to try and stay in with her until you gain enough courage to live by yourself. surprisingly, Rocma understood this and allows you to move in with her. "if you're gonna stay here, you must first know the territory." she says as if the realization hit her. of course, Mafuyu volunteers to tour you around the village, but Rocma objects, as she is too young and there is apparent danger in the village. Mafuyu pouts, saying she can handle herself, but relents to her guardian's orders. after ordering her to stay inside and not to let anyone in unless it's her, you both trek out to the village.

you meet a lot of decent folks there! there was a nice penguin girl, by the name of peraco with three adorable younger siblings. she immediately took a liking to you and offered to have a playdate with you as soon as you got comfortable in your knew living quarters in which you happily accepted, much to Rocma's chargin'. You didn't know why. You're never too old for a little playdate! then there was a snow owl man named yukisada and snow wolf man shirogane. they both seemed really nice, but for some reason, Rocma disliked them. she described the wolf to be "beyond boneheaded" or something like that. You didn't see an issue with him, aside from the wolf being skittish to the point of coming to tears. other than that, she showed you some of the other parts of the iceberg isle. It seemed relatively peaceful and quiet with delightful views. "I think I'm gonna like it here!" you chirped cheerfully. Rocma smiled tenderly at you. "good. I'm glad you will. But there's also-" she started, but suddenly stops, her gaze fixed ahead. you pause to look at her, slightly uneased by her sudden tension. "c-cousin?" you asked, raising your eyebrow. her eyes where narrowed and she faintly grit her teeth at whoever she was staring at. you look over to where she was staring to see an... Orca man..!? he was huge in your perspective. he had incredibly pale skin, sharp black eyes and had has cropped black hair with two white eye-spots on both sides of his head with a tall black dorsal fin on his head separating them both. For some reason... he wore a black business suit and a grey shirt accompanied with a black tie. He also wore black pants, gloves, and shoes.

he had a devious grin on his face, and approached as he took a puff from his cigarette. "Hello, Rocma." he said, at least trying to be charming, but that just added to his creepiness. this was where you decided to move behind Rocma for safety. he drew his tongue over his teeth as he stopped in front of her. "why are you here?" she near enough snarled at him. he snickered and tapped his cigarette to rid it of excess ashes. "I wanted to see you." he cooed creepily, stepping a bit closer. that was when he caught your (color) eye, glinting in the sunlight. he let out a hum of curiousity and leaned to the side, to peek behind Rocma. you gasped as you both made eye contact and you find yourself start to tremble again. his gaze suddenly grew more sinister and a grin stretched his lips. "aand who is this?~"

Rocma's gaze flickered from you to him, before putting the pieces together and moved in front of you, putting an arm out in front of you. "She is none of your concern." she hissed. He scoffed, taking another drag from his cigarette. "c'mon. can't I at least know the doll's name?" you felt a rush of heat in your face at his tone and shrank behind Rocma. maybe if you gave your name, he'd go away? "(name).." you whispered shyly, shrinking farther behind her. the Orca's eyes "brightened" and he near enough leaned over Rocma's shoulder to peer at you. "that's your name? Well, what a lovely name. you're new here, aren't you?" he said, somewhat sweetly. You nodded sheepishly, swallowing the knot in your throat. He grinned even wider. "if that's the case... name's Idate. I welcome you to iceberg isle. I hope to get along well with you.~" the tone in his voice chilled you worse than the icy winds of the artic. Rocma suddenly pushed him back, enough to make him stagger back a few steps. "you don't go ANYWHERE near my little cousin." she growled, threateningly. "if you do, I won't hesitate to rip off your tail and beat you with it." Idate blinked but chuckled. "no promises." he replied, placing another cigarette into his mouth. as he lights it, he looks at you again, his grin growing again. he takes a puff and winks at you. "I'll be seeing you later.~" with that, he turns and walks away.

Rocma stares after him, a bitter expression on her face. "repulsive creature." she muttered. she turns to you with an apologetic gaze. "I'm sorry you had to meet him." still shaken, you look up at her. "w-who was he?" you squeaked, hugging yourself to stop shaking. she scowled in disgust. "Idate. he's a very bad orca." she suddenly grabs your shoulders. "I need you to promise me. keep away from him at ALL costs." you tense look on her face scared you, and you nodded skittishly. she nods in return. "good. let's get back home." she took your paw and you started to head back. you take a moment to glance over your shoulder, and your eyes meet with that shady orca staring at you with hunger in his eyes. you let out a whimper and walk closer to Rocma. it'll be fine... you told yourself.

how hard can avoiding him be?

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