IV: The Rogue Prince

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"You're late again," Alicent glared at her other best friend. Crossing her arms as she pretend to be crossed.

"You have my deepest apologies, Lady Alicent. For you see, I was held up at a council meeting," Aerys replied with genuine remorse.

"Oh.. If that was the issue, then I should be the one to apologise," The Hightower girl panicked, quickly dropping the act.

"I'm jesting, Alicent. Truthfully, I fell asleep at the Dragonpit after reading to Vermithor," The young Princess confessed before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"You're really irritable sometimes, you know?" Alicent glared at her, and this time the glare was real.

"Yet, you come willingly to our clandestine meetings almost every night?" Aerys taunted playfully.

"That's because I'm a good friend," The older girl huffed, crossing her arms across her chest in annoyance.

"Oh please, you love me. Just admit it?" The Warrior Princess replied smugly.

"In your wildest dreams, Aerys Targaryen," Alicent rolled her eyes.

At this very moment, Alicent thanked the Gods that their meetings were at night. For if they met like this in broad daylight, Aerys would know that she was blushing madly right now.

It had been nearly two moons since Aerys had returned to King's Landing. Not much has changed in court aside from Rhaenyra's new duties as heir. As expected Aerys fell back into her duties as the future Hand-in-training. With both Princesses busy during the day time, the auburn haired beauty had found herself feeling quite lonely. So she was happy to spend any moment she could with her two closest companions.

Of course, the Princess of Dragonstone was unaware of Alicent's late night rendezvous with her lover. Yes, Alicent was aware of their secret courtship. How could she possibly know you ask? Well, less than a fortnight after Aerys's return, she had unintentionally caught the pair engaging in a heated kiss. It was considered immoral to act on such desires before marriage according to the teachings of the Faith, and Alicent was a firm believer of the Faith. Yet, at that very moment all she prayed for was to switch places with Rhaenyra instead. Jealousy is also a sin according to her religion, but she did not care. Sinful as it may be, she desired Aerys more than anything in the world.

Alicent thought she had successfully disguise her affections for Aerys as admiration, but it seems that her father saw right through her. Otto Hightower was a devout believer of the Seven and according to the Seven it was a sin for a woman to love another woman. Despite Aerys's anatomy, the Doctrine of Exceptionalism only applied to members of the Targaryen family, and she was not a Targaryen by any means. So when he brought the matter up, she broke into tears as she feared the punishment he might bestow upon her for committing such a sin. Much to her surprise he was absolutely fine with it, and he instead gave her advice on how to earn Aerys's affections.

"If you wish to win over the young Princess's heart, you might want to try gaining her trust. Young Aerys used to confide everything to the late Queen. With her passing, she will need someone new to confide in. Seeing as how you did very well to console her after the funeral. I think you might just be the perfect person for it."

"Why don't you pay the Princess a visit later? And do wear one of your mother's dresses."

Alicent took her father's advice to heart, and she went to visit Aerys's chambers later that night. Much to her surprise Aerys welcomed her with open arms. That night the pair spoke about many things. From their fondest memories of the late Queen, their shared grief, to her time in Dragonstone, and Mysaria. How she helped Aerys navigate through her grief, and slowly became a mother figure to her.

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