Ch. 2 "Boys' Obsession, or Possession? "

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(Photo is creepy, don't like don't look.)

~December 1, 2021~

The other Sam sat in the library, ignoring us. Cas stood behind her, with his arms crossed and watching her every move. He confirmed she is a human Yesterday. Sense then we asked her many questions, no answer.

She sighed and laid her head down. Dean rolled his eyes and left to get his 3rd beer of the afternoon. I moved from the bookcases and sat next to her.

"Hey, you gotta start answering questions-" She interrupted me by clicking a pen on the table. "C-Can you stop?" She stopped, then twirled the blue pen around. "Oh, you want paper?"

She nodded, looking tired of me already.  I went to my room and got a few pieces of linedpaper. When I got back Dean was halfway through his bottle. I gave Sam the paper. The room stayed silent. She pinched the bridge of her nose and bitch-faced me.

"Oh, um, your last name?" That was the quickest question I could think of.

She slowly wrote down her answer. Dean sighed and bitch-faced me. I shrugged and ignored him. Sam slid the paper over to me.


Where have I herd of that? Oh.

"Dean, look at this." He quickly walked over and I showed him the paper.

"Isn't that the name of your "actor"?" He whisperd.

I nodded. She girl took back the paper and wrote some more.

Jared Padalecki is my father by adoption.  As you suspected I'm not from here. Your life in my world I'd just a show with crazy ass fans

After I read the paper I showed it to Dean, then cas took the paper and read over it.

"How did you get here?" He grimly asked. Sam shrugged. "What do you remember last?"

We all kept on asking her questions, and she would answer by writing more stuff down. She finally clicked the pen closed and showed us the paper. Her handwriting sucked, but atleast we have answers.
(No one's pov)

Later that day Dean sat down in his room and looked for cases. He knows he should wait, but he needs to get out of the Bunker. The long drives aren't going to cut it anymore. He needs to be out in some dingy motel room with his brother. But Cas left to do 'angle business', he wasn't interested in what. But the angle being gone ment they would have to take the other Sam with.

He's still not fond of them. The child doesn't speak, he's still skeptical of their backstory. But, they can't just dump the kid in the middle of nowhere. They'll have to stay, for now. Dean sipped on his beer while he looked over a case. Possibly an easy salt n' burn. 

The other Winchester Brother was in the library, finishing up the book he read to Sam the other night. He'd been thinking to look for cases that night. It's been quiet in the monster world. And other hunters are actually stepping up a bit more. He's worried about the kid. How will she react to being around actual monsters? Sam and Dean can't leave the kid. They're only 12, and been telaported into a whole new world. They don't want them to have to be left alone. Rather not have them   go through what they did.

Dean entered the library,  An empty paper plate folded in his hand. His brother was reading at the table. The other Sam sat curled in the big arm chair in the corner. They eyed Dean and turned to look at the huge bookcases.

"I've found a case, Tennessee. Looks like a ghost."

"Oh, okay. We taking her with?" Sam motioned to the other.

"Do we have a choice?" Dean sighed.

Lexington, Tennessee
December 5

Nearly twelve hours passed and they arrived at a motel. When they got settled in the room another body was discovered. The boys got their Fbi suits on and left. Sam turned the TV on to the Simpsons. They unfolded their blanket and laid on a bed, facing the small TV.

They didn't sleep on that first night in the Bunker. They yawned, and then closed their eyes. And then there was a thumping noise, and moaning. Sam angrily sighed and turned up the TV. Let's just say, they didn't get to sleep.

Three hours later Sam and Dean returned. They said they finished the job. Knowing what happens in the show, Sam mentality laughed at them. Too easy, too quick. Dean was covered in dirt, and some blood, so he went to shower.

His brother changed his clothes, told the other Sam to close their eyes, and took a seat at the small table. He'll glance at the TV once in a while, really only when Homer was on screen.

"Hmm, you have that up pretty loud."

The kid rolled their eyes and looked at the wall. As if on cue the thumping started up again. Sam groaned and covered their head with the blanket, and covered their ears, which didn't help much. The older Sam chuckled, he went over to his bag and got his earbuds out, and gave them to the child. She held them in confusion.

"Uh, music? You have a phone with you right?" They shook  their head, left their phone on the desk of their room. "Well, here's mine. Just go on Spotify, understand?"

They nodded their head this time. Sam went back to his seat. The other Sam wasn't in the mood for metal, but that will block out the noise.

The next morning, unsurprisingly for Sam, another body was found. But the woman that was killed had different markes on her body. Burn marks on her stomach. The older Sam left, leaving Dean to do research.

The other ghost left cuts along the wrists. The vengeful spirit went after his bullies. They pushed him to suicide. Maybe there could be realaton between the ghosts? Dean got up to use the bathroom, he left his brother's computer open. Sam got up and went to the computer, opened a new tab and searched up the town news.

Dean came back out. "Hey, what are you doing?"

Sam glanced at him, they ignored him when he began to talk again. Dean went to snach the computer, Sam only slapped his hand away. They then turned the computer to him. The screen showed a newspaper. A boy got burned alive, his killers were not found. Dean stared at the screen for a while. He pulled out his phone to call his brother.

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